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Difference between version 2 and version 1:

At line 6 added 3 lines.
##get from cvs
At line 10 added 3 lines.
##ant new
At line 14 added 1 line.
At line 9 changed 2 lines.
#Copy src, test , and web folders to the web project
#Copy lib, metadata, build.xml, app-settings.xml, build.properties, compile-jsp.xml, properties.xml to EAR project
#Create new WAS5.1 Test Server
At line 12 changed 1 line.
#Setup WAS5.1 test server
#Setup WAS5.1 test server
At line 24 added 33 lines.
##need to enable this possibility first via Window--> Preferences--> J2EE)
##Copy src, test
###Refresh web project
###Open the web project properties-->
###Java Build Path--> Source tab
###Add src/* and test/* folders
###Add src/gen by creating it
#Rename WebContent folder in web project to: web
#Copy the web/WEB-INF/classes/* to
#Copy web folders to the web project (yes overwrite)
#Copy lib, metadata, extras, build.xml, app-settings.xml, build.properties, compile-jsp.xml, properties.xml to EAR project
#Refresh enterprise project
#Setup web project classpath via web--> META-INF--> MANIFEST.MF
##Open manifest
##Click select all (you can remove the extras/ibatis if you use hibernate)
##Close (and save) manifest
At line 15 changed 1 line.
##src.dir = ../web project dir/src
##java.src.dir = ../web project dir/src
At line 63 added 1 line.
At line 18 changed 4 lines.
##Add the copy back to src dir target
#Run Ant setup-db
#Run Ant package-web
#Compile web project
##Add a copy back to src dir target for stuff that gets built to the ${build.dir}/xxx/gen folders.
##Replace test/ with ${test.src.dir} and src/ with ${java.src.dir}
##Replace ${basedir}/web/ and web/ with ${web.src.dir}
##Make sure you do this inside properties.xml! otherwise your service and web tests will fail!
#Run the build script until it works.. changing source directories as you go.
##Run Ant setup-db
##Run Ant package-web
#Compile WSAD web project
#Bind the web.xml resource reference for jdbc/<name> to the JNDI name you defined for your datasource

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