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Difference between version 2 and version 1:

At line 29 changed 1 line.
__Teil I:__ [Neue DAOs und Objekte in AppFuse erzuegen|CreateDAO_de] - A HowTo for creating Java Objects (that represent tables) and creating Java classes to persist those objects in the database.
__Teil I:__ [Neue DAOs und Objekte in AppFuse anlegen|CreateDAO_de] - A HowTo for creating Java Objects (that represent tables) and creating Java classes to persist those objects in the database.
At line 32 changed 1 line.
__Teil II:__ [Neue Manager erzeugen|CreateManager_de] - A HowTo for creating Business Facades that talk between the database tier (DAOs) and the web tier (Actions or Controllers).
__Teil II:__ [Neue Manager anlegen|CreateManager_de] - A HowTo for creating Business Facades that talk between the database tier (DAOs) and the web tier (Actions or Controllers).

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