CreateAnAJAXBasedFileuploadProgressbarDialog |
Your trail: |
Difference between
version 81
version 80:
At line 271 changed 1 line. |
*Change log4j to see whats going on. |
*Change log4j to see whats going on. In the file change the line {{{log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, mail}}} to {{{log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, R}}} to get the log log mesages written into a logfile. |
At line 284 changed 1 line. |
*Further thoughts - I hope that this tutorial can serve as basis for integration into later Appfuse versions. It may also serve as a basis for simmilar tutorials for the other web frameworks that Appfuse provides. Actually it could be implemented in a servlet (See the original [AJAX Upload progress monitor for Commons-FileUpload Example|]) instead of using the struts action and that servlet could be included in all the appfuse versions to provide this functionality across the frameworks. |
*Additional thoughts - I hope that this tutorial can serve as basis for integration into later Appfuse versions. It may also serve as a basis for simmilar tutorials for the other web frameworks that Appfuse provides. Actually it could be implemented in a servlet (See the original [AJAX Upload progress monitor for Commons-FileUpload Example|]) instead of using the struts action and that servlet could be included in all the appfuse versions to provide this functionality across the frameworks. |
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