DevelopmentEnvironment |
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version 23:
At line 69 changed 1 line. |
* I use [Eclipse|] on Windows for editing .java files. I install it in %TOOLS_HOME%\eclipse. I still use Ant to build and deploy, but the CVS versions of AppFuse and StrutsResume does contain the .classpath and .project files for Eclipse. Additionally, AppFuse has project files for [Intellij's IDEA|] (version 3.0.5). I'll write a HowTo in the next few days on running Ant in either of these IDEs. The good news is I've got it working, now I just have to document it. |
* I use [Eclipse|] on Windows for editing .java files. I install it in %TOOLS_HOME%\eclipse. I still use Ant to build and deploy, but the CVS versions of AppFuse and StrutsResume does contain the .classpath and .project files for Eclipse. Additionally, AppFuse has project files for [Intellij's IDEA|] (version 3.0.5). To see how you can run Ant in Eclipse, check out my [AppFuse with Eclipse HowTo |AppFuseExclipe]. |
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