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Difference between version 50 and version 39:

At line 40 removed 8 lines.
#database.admin.* info is for autogenerating schema account (works only with MySQL)
At line 43 added 5 lines.
database.schema=schemaname (case sensitive using 10g)
At line 53 changed 1 line.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ In the listings above, {{database.host}} should refer to the machine the Oracle database is running on. Also, the "mySID" at the end of the {{database.url}} value should refer to the SERVICE_NAME within the tnsnames.ora database file on the database server machine.</div>
You'll also need to add the "database.schema" property to build.xml - in the &lt;dbunit&gt; tasks. For example:
At line 55 changed 1 line.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ There is also a {{database.name}} parameter available, but usage of it should be avoided. This parameter's value is automatically overwritten by what you will provide in the next step as the {{-Ddb.name}} parameter to the __ant new__ task.</div>
<dbunit driver="${database.driver_class}" schema="${database.schema}"
supportBatchStatement="false" url="${database.url}"
userid="${database.username}" password="${database.password}">
At line 58 added 1 line.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px; background-color: #fcc">__WARNING:__ Avoid the use of "appfuse" as values for any of the parameters here. They may end up getting modified when you run the "ant new" task below.</div>
At line 60 added 4 lines.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ In the listings above, {{database.host}} should refer to the machine the Oracle database is running on. Also, the "mySID" at the end of the {{database.url}} value should refer to the SERVICE_NAME within the tnsnames.ora database file on the database server machine.</div>
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ There is also a {{database.name}} parameter available, but you should only add it to {{build.properties}} if you want to use a different database name than provided in the {{-Ddb.name}} parameter when you ran the __ant new__ task.</div>
At line 72 changed 1 line.
__NOTE:__ The Oracle database server may be configured to occupy port 8080 with its own servlet container. This may cause port conflicts if you are running Tomcat on the same machine. You may find it very difficult to turn off the Oracle container. If this problem occurs, it may be easiest to shut down the Oracle database, start Tomcat (so it will occupy port 8080), and then restart Oracle.
__NOTE:__ The Oracle database server may be configured to occupy port 8080 with its own servlet container, which you may find very difficult to disable. This can cause port conflicts if you are running Tomcat on the same machine. If this problem occurs, it may be easiest to shut down the Oracle database, start Tomcat (so it will occupy port 8080), and then restart Oracle.

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