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Difference between version 50 and version 8:

At line 1 changed 1 line.
The following instructions explain how to configure AppFuse so that the applications it generates will work with an Oracle database.
The following instructions describe the steps needed to configure AppFuse so that the applications it generates will work with an Oracle database.
At line 3 changed 1 line.
# Create the Oracle Database schema account that will hold the default application tables. This can be done by your Oracle DBA. (You can choose a different user (schema) name and password, just modify the subsequent instructions accordingly.)
!Table of Contents
* [1] Create Database Schema
* [2] Setup JDBC Driver
* [3] Edit build.properties in the main AppFuse Directory
* [4] Generate Application
* [5] Deploy Application
* [6] Test Database Access
At line 5 changed 3 lines.
!!Create Database Schema [#1]
At line 9 changed 1 line.
# Obtain the [Oracle JDBC driver|http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html] appropriate for your database and JDK version. (Oracle's license agreement will be shown just be downloading, make sure you read and understand it.)
Create the Oracle Database schema account that will hold your application's tables. This value should correspond to the {{-Ddb.name}} you use when running the __ant new__ task.
At line 15 added 10 lines.
CREATE USER <database-schema-owner> IDENTIFIED BY <password>;
GRANT CONNECT TO <database-schema-owner>;
GRANT RESOURCE TO <database-schema-owner>;
!!Setup JDBC Driver [#2]
Obtain the [Oracle JDBC driver|http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html] appropriate for your database and JDK version. (Oracle's license agreement will be shown just be downloading, make sure you read and understand it.)
At line 13 changed 1 line.
# In your {AppFuse home}/lib directory, add an "oracle" directory and place the ojdbc14.jar in it.
Next, in your {AppFuse home}/lib directory, add an "oracle" directory and place the ojdbc14.jar in it.
At line 15 removed 1 line.
# Next, the build.properties file needs to be updated to switch from a MySQL to an Oracle database. This can be done in two ways:
At line 17 changed 4 lines.
## If most of your work is in Oracle, update the build.properties file in the
AppFuse distribution. Most of its values will carry over to the build.properties
file created within each app generated by AppFuse, so only a minor amount of editing
of that second file will be necessary.
!!Edit build.properties in the main AppFuse Directory [#3]
At line 22 changed 3 lines.
## If most of your work is not in Oracle, you can ignore the build.properties file
in the AppFuse distribution, and just edit the build.properties in the directory of the
web app generated by AppFuse.
Next, the build.properties file needs to be updated to use an Oracle (instead of the default MySQL) database.
At line 26 changed 2 lines.
Whether you edit one or both files, here is a idea of what the database entries
should look like for Oracle (modify the various fields as appropriate for your system):
Here is a idea of what the database entries should look like for Oracle (modify the various fields as appropriate for your system):
At line 29 changed 1 line.
At line 32 removed 1 line.
At line 34 changed 4 lines.
#database URL for creating other databases (doesn't work with pgsql)
#use the database schema owner and password created in step #1 above here
database.schema=schemaname (case sensitive using 10g)
At line 39 changed 1 line.
At line 41 changed 4 lines.
At line 46 changed 1 line.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ In the listings above, database.host should refer to the machine the Oracle database is running on. Also, database.url's "myDB" at the end should refer to the SERVICE_NAME within the tnsnames.ora database file on the database server machine.</div>
You'll also need to add the "database.schema" property to build.xml - in the &lt;dbunit&gt; tasks. For example:
At line 48 changed 1 line.
# Run "ant new -Dapp.name=myappname -Ddb.name=appfuse" as normal to generate your new web application directory.
<dbunit driver="${database.driver_class}" schema="${database.schema}"
supportBatchStatement="false" url="${database.url}"
userid="${database.username}" password="${database.password}">
At line 50 changed 1 line.
# Reconfigure the build.properties file in the new "myappname" directory, following the instructions above. You will either need to update a few of the elements or all of them, depending on whether or not you decided to modify the main build.properties in the AppFuse distribution.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px; background-color: #fcc">__WARNING:__ Avoid the use of "appfuse" as values for any of the parameters here. They may end up getting modified when you run the "ant new" task below.</div>
At line 52 changed 1 line.
# Run "ant setup" within your new web app directory to compile and deploy your new application on Tomcat.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ In the listings above, {{database.host}} should refer to the machine the Oracle database is running on. Also, the "mySID" at the end of the {{database.url}} value should refer to the SERVICE_NAME within the tnsnames.ora database file on the database server machine.</div>
At line 54 changed 1 line.
# Start tomcat and bring up the application: http://localhost:8080/myappname
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ There is also a {{database.name}} parameter available, but you should only add it to {{build.properties}} if you want to use a different database name than provided in the {{-Ddb.name}} parameter when you ran the __ant new__ task.</div>
At line 56 changed 1 line.
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">__NOTE:__ The Oracle database server may be configured to occupy port 8080 with its own servlet container. This may cause port conflicts if you are running Tomcat on the same machine. It is very difficult to turn off the Oracle container (I was not successful in doing so.) If you run into this problem, you may wish to shut off the Oracle instance, start Tomcat (so it will occupy port 8080), and then restart the Oracle database.</div>
!!Generate Application [#4]
At line 58 changed 1 line.
# To test that database accesses are working properly, edit one of the profiles within the sample application and change the country listed. Then, within Oracle SQL*Plus, log in as "appfuse" user and issue this command:
Run __ant new -Dapp.name={{myappname}} -Ddb.name={{mydbname}}__ as usual to generate the new web application directory.
At line 60 changed 1 line.
For {{mydbname}}, use the schema owner name you created in Step #1 above.
!!Deploy Application [#5]
Run "ant setup" within your new web app directory to compile and deploy your new application on Tomcat.
Next, Start Tomcat and bring up the application: http://localhost:8080/myappname
<div class="note" style="margin: 10px">
__NOTE:__ The Oracle database server may be configured to occupy port 8080 with its own servlet container, which you may find very difficult to disable. This can cause port conflicts if you are running Tomcat on the same machine. If this problem occurs, it may be easiest to shut down the Oracle database, start Tomcat (so it will occupy port 8080), and then restart Oracle.
!!Test Database Access [#6]
To test that database accesses are working properly, edit one of the profiles within the sample application and change the country listed. Then, within Oracle SQL*Plus, log in as the schema owner and issue this command:
At line 62 changed 1 line.

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