At line 1 changed 1 line. |
__Part III:__ [Creating Controllers and JSPs|SpringControllers] - A HowTo for creating [Spring|] Controllers and JSPs in the [AppFuse] architecture. |
__Part III:__ [Creating Controllers and JSPs|SpringControllers] - A HowTo for creating [Spring|] Controllers and JSPs in an [AppFuse] project. |
At line 6 changed 1 line. |
This tutorial will show you how to create a Spring Controller and JSP. It'll also demonstrate writing a JUnit Test to test the Controller. The Controller we create will talk to the PersonManager we created in the [Creating Managers|CreateManager] tutorial. This tutorial will simplify everything - we will not actually be rendering any data or making the UI look pretty. The [next tutorial|ConfiguringTiles] will show you how to integrate your new JSPs into your webapp. |
This tutorial will show you how to create Spring Controllers and JSPs. It'll also demonstrate writing JUnit Tests to test your Controllers. The Controller we create will talk to the PersonManager we created in the [Creating Managers|CreateManager] tutorial. |
At line 13 changed 2 lines. |
* [1] Create a skeleton JSP using XDoclet |
* [2] Create PersonFormControllerTest to test our Controller |
* [1] Create skeleton JSPs using XDoclet |
* [2] Create PersonFormControllerTest to test PersonFormController |
At line 16 changed 1 line. |
* [4] Run the PersonFormControllerTest |
* [4] Run PersonFormControllerTest |
* [5] Clean up the JSP to make it presentable |
* [6] Create Canoo WebTests to test browser-like actions |
At line 18 changed 2 lines. |
!!Create a skeleton JSP using XDoclet [#2] |
In this step, we'll generate a ''skeleton'' or our JSP for displaying information from the Person object. I say ''skeleton'' because it'll just be the <form> itself. It will contain table rows with Spring's "bind" tags for each property in The tool that we use to do this was written by [Erik Hatcher|]. It's basically just a single class ( and a couple of XDoclet templates (FormKeys.xdt and Form_jsp.xdt). All these files are located in extras/viewgen. |
!!Create a skeleton JSP using XDoclet [#1] |
In this step, you'll generate a JSP page to display information from the Person object. It will contain Spring's JSP tags that render table rows for each property in The [AppGen] tool that's used to do this is based off a StrutsGen tool - which was originally written by [Erik Hatcher|]. It's basically just a couple of classes and a bunch of XDoclet templates. All these files are located in extras/appgen. |
At line 23 changed 6 lines. |
* From the command-line, navigate to "extras/viewgen" |
* Execute __ant to generate three files in extras/viewgen/build: |
** (labels for your form elements) |
** personForm.jsp (skeleton JSP file for viewing a single Person) |
** personList.jsp (skeleton JSP file for viewing a list of People) |
* Copy the contents of into web/WEB-INF/classes/ Here is an example of what you might add to |
* From the command-line, navigate to "extras/appgen" |
* Execute __ant -Dappgen.type=pojo -Dapp.module=__ to generate a bunch of files in extras/appgen/build/gen. In fact, it'll generate all the files you need to complete this tutorial. However, let's just grab the ones you need. |
** web/WEB-INF/classes/ (labels for your form elements) |
** web/pages/personForm.jsp (JSP file for viewing a single Person) |
** web/pages/personList.jsp (JSP file for viewing a list of People) |
* Copy the contents of into web/WEB-INF/classes/ These are all the keys you will need for titles/headings and form properties. Here is an example of what you should add to |
At line 32 removed 1 line. |
person.firstName=First Name |
At line 35 added 1 line. |
person.firstName=First Name |
At line 37 added 12 lines. |
person.added=Person has been added successfully. |
person.updated=Person has been updated successfully. |
person.deleted=Person has been deleted successfully. |
# -- person list page -- |
personList.title=Person List |
personList.heading=Persons |
# -- person detail page -- |
personDetail.title=Person Detail |
personDetail.heading=Person Information |
At line 37 changed 1 line. |
* Copy personForm.jsp to web/pages/personForm.jsp. Copy PersonFormList.jsp to web/pages/personList.jsp. ''Notice that each of the new filename's first character is lowercase.'' |
* Copy personForm.jsp to web/pages/personForm.jsp. Copy personList.jsp to web/pages/personList.jsp. |
At line 41 changed 1 line. |
The web application security for AppFuse specifies that all *.html url-patterns should be protected. This guarantees 1) all Controllers are protected, and 2) you must go through a Controller to get to a JSP (or at least the ones in ''pages''). |
The web application security for AppFuse specifies that all *.html url-patterns should be protected (except for /signup.html and /passwordHint.html). This guarantees that clients must go through an Action to get to a JSP (or at least the ones in ''pages''). |
At line 43 changed 1 line. |
At this point, you won't be able to view the JSP in your browser because spring's "bind" tags require that the JSP is invoked from the DispatchServlet. Therefore, we need to create a Controller for this JSP, and we should practice TDD and write our Test before we write our Controller. |
%%note __NOTE:__ If you want to customize the CSS for a particular page, you can add <body id="pageName"/> to the top of the file. This will be slurped up by SiteMesh and put into the final page. You can then customize your CSS on a page-by-page basis using something like the following: |
{{{body#pageName element.class { background-color: blue } }}}%% |
At line 45 changed 2 lines. |
!!Create PersonFormControllerTest to test our Controller [#3] |
To create a JUnit Test for our Controller, start by creating a file in the test/web/**/action directory. |
* Add keys in the titles and headings in the JSPs |
In the generated JSPs, there are two keys for the title (top of the browser window) and the header (heading in the page). We now need to add these two keys (personDetail.title and personDetail.heading) to |
At line 63 added 14 lines. |
{{{ |
# -- person detail page -- |
personDetail.title=Person Detail |
personDetail.heading=Person Information |
}}} |
;:''Just above, we added "personForm.*" keys to this file, so why do I use personForm ''and'' personDetail? The best reason is because it gives a nice separation between form labels and text on the page. Another reason is because all the *Form.* give you a nice representation of all the fields in your database. |
I recently had a client who wanted all fields in the database searchable. This was fairly easy to do. I just looked up all the keys in which contained "Form." and then put them into a drop-down. On the UI, the user was able to enter a search term and select the column they wanted to search. I was glad I followed this Form vs. Detail distinction on that project!'' |
!!Create PersonFormControllerTest to test PersonFormController [#2] |
To create a JUnit Test for the PersonFormController, start by creating a file in the test/web/**/action directory. |
At line 52 changed 2 lines. |
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; |
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; |
import org.appfuse.model.Person; |
At line 84 added 2 lines. |
import org.springframework.validation.BindException; |
import org.springframework.validation.Errors; |
At line 58 removed 1 line. |
At line 60 removed 1 line. |
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PersonFormControllerTest.class); |
At line 77 changed 1 line. |
request = newGet("/editUser.html"); |
request = newGet("/editPerson.html"); |
At line 112 added 29 lines. |
public void testSave() throws Exception { |
request = newGet("/editPerson.html"); |
request.addParameter("id", "1"); |
mv = c.handleRequest(request, new MockHttpServletResponse()); |
Person person = (Person) mv.getModel().get(c.getCommandName()); |
assertNotNull(person); |
request = newPost("/editPerson.html"); |
super.objectToRequestParameters(person, request); |
request.addParameter("lastName", "Updated Last Name"); |
mv = c.handleRequest(request, new MockHttpServletResponse()); |
Errors errors = |
(Errors) mv.getModel().get(BindException.ERROR_KEY_PREFIX + "person"); |
assertNull(errors); |
assertNotNull(request.getSession().getAttribute("successMessages")); |
} |
public void testRemove() throws Exception { |
request = newPost("/editPerson.html"); |
request.addParameter("delete", ""); |
request.addParameter("id", "2"); |
mv = c.handleRequest(request, new MockHttpServletResponse()); |
assertNotNull(request.getSession().getAttribute("successMessages")); |
} |
At line 87 changed 1 line. |
Nothing will compile at this point (ant compile) since we need to create the PersonFormController that we're referring to in this test. |
Nothing will compile at this point (ant compile) because you need to create the PersonFormController that you're referring to in this test. |
At line 89 removed 1 line. |
!!Create PersonFormController [#4] |
At line 91 changed 1 line. |
Now we have to create a Controller to talk to our Manager and retrieve/save our data. In src/web/**/action, create a file with the following contents: |
!!Create PersonFormController [#3] |
At line 149 added 2 lines. |
In src/web/**/action, create a file with the following contents: |
At line 155 added 2 lines. |
import java.util.Locale; |
At line 158 added 1 line. |
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; |
At line 100 removed 2 lines. |
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; |
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; |
At line 163 added 3 lines. |
import org.springframework.validation.BindException; |
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; |
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; |
At line 105 removed 1 line. |
At line 107 removed 2 lines. |
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PersonFormController.class); |
At line 110 changed 1 line. |
At line 114 changed 1 line. |
At line 116 changed 1 line. |
throws Exception { |
throws Exception { |
At line 185 added 1 line. |
At line 188 added 43 lines. |
public ModelAndView processFormSubmission(HttpServletRequest request, |
HttpServletResponse response, |
Object command, |
BindException errors) |
throws Exception { |
if (request.getParameter("cancel") != null) { |
return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(getSuccessView())); |
} |
return super.processFormSubmission(request, response, command, errors); |
} |
public ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, |
HttpServletResponse response, Object command, |
BindException errors) |
throws Exception { |
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { |
log.debug("entering 'onSubmit' method..."); |
} |
Person person = (Person) command; |
boolean isNew = (person.getId() == null); |
String success = getSuccessView(); |
Locale locale = request.getLocale(); |
if (request.getParameter("delete") != null) { |
mgr.removePerson(person.getId().toString()); |
saveMessage(request, getText("person.deleted", locale)); |
} else { |
mgr.savePerson(person); |
String key = (isNew) ? "person.added" : "person.updated"; |
saveMessage(request, getText(key, locale)); |
if (!isNew) { |
success = "editPerson.html?id=" + person.getId(); |
} |
} |
return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(success)); |
} |
At line 131 changed 1 line. |
We're not putting much in PersonController at this point because we just want to 1) render the JSP and 2) verify our Test runs. Now we need to add a url-mapping for this controller in the web/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml file. In the block below, the new line is at the bottom, with __<prop key="/editPerson.html">__: |
In the class above, there are a few methods you might not be familiar with. The {{formBackingObject()}} method is used to supply the object this Controller operates on. The {{processFormSubmission()}} method is used to detect the cancel button, and {{onSubmit()}} is called on POST requests and handles delete/add/update of a user. |
At line 236 added 15 lines. |
There are a few keys you (might) need to add to to display the success messages. This file is located in ''web/WEB-INF/classes'' - open it and add the following: |
;:''I usually add these under the {{# -- success messages --}} comment.'' |
{{{person.added=Person has been added successfully. |
person.updated=Person has been updated successfully. |
person.deleted=Person has been deleted successfully. |
}}} |
You could use generic ''added'', ''deleted'' and ''updated'' messages, whatever works for you. It's nice to have separate messages in case these need to change on a per-entity basis. |
You might notice that the code we're using to call the PersonManager is the same as the code we used in our PersonManagerTest. Both PersonFormController and PersonManagerTest are ''clients'' of PersonManagerImpl, so this makes perfect sense. |
Now you need to add a url-mapping for this controller in the web/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml file. In the block below, the new line is at the bottom, with __<prop key="/editPerson.html">__: |
At line 152 changed 1 line. |
We also need to add the <bean> definition for personFormController in this same file: |
You also need to add the <bean> definition for personFormController in this same file: |
At line 161 changed 1 line. |
<property name="successView"><value>editPerson.html</value></property> |
<property name="successView"><value>mainMenu.html</value></property> |
At line 164 removed 1 line. |
At line 169 changed 1 line. |
Everything is almost done for this tutorial, let's get to running our tests! |
!!Run the PersonFormControllerTest [#4] |
If you look at our PersonFormControllerTest, all the tests depend on having a record with id=1 in the database (and testRemove depends on id=2), so let's add those records to our sample data file (metadata/sql/sample-data.xml). I'd just add it at the bottom - order is not important since it (currently) does not relate to any other tables. |
At line 171 changed 1 line. |
!!Run the PersonFormControllerTest [#5]' |
{{{ |
<table name='person'> |
<column>id</column> |
<column>first_name</column> |
<column>last_name</column> |
<row> |
<value>1</value> |
<value>Matt</value> |
<value>Raible</value> |
</row> |
<row> |
<value>2</value> |
<value>James</value> |
<value>Davidson</value> |
</row> |
</table> |
}}} |
At line 173 changed 1 line. |
Now, if you stop Tomcat, save everything, cd ../.. to the base directory and run __ant test-web -Dtestcase=PersonFormController__, the "testEdit" method should pass and you should see something like the following in your console: |
DBUnit loads this file before we running any of the tests, so this record will be available to your Controller test. |
At line 175 changed 6 lines. |
{{{ [echo] Testing web... |
[copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Source\appfuse-springmvc\build\appfuse\WEB-INF |
[junit] [appfuse] DEBUG [main] PersonFormControllerTest.testEdit(27) | testing edit... |
[junit] [appfuse] DEBUG [main] AbstractFormController.showNewForm(268) | Displaying new form |
[junit] Testsuite: org.appfuse.webapp.action.PersonFormControllerTest |
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.297 sec |
Make sure are in the base directory of your project. If you run __ant test-web -Dtestcase=PersonFormController__ - everything should work as planned. |
At line 182 changed 1 line. |
}}} |
%%(color:green)BUILD SUCCESSFUL\\ |
Total time: 21 seconds%% |
At line 184 removed 1 line. |
If you see the message below - ''Congratulations'' you've written your first Spring Controller! |
At line 186 changed 2 lines. |
%%(color: green)BUILD SUCCESSFUL\\ |
Total time: 11 seconds%% |
!!Clean up the JSP to make it presentable [#5] |
At line 317 added 122 lines. |
If you want to add a usability enhancement to your form, you can set the cursor to focus on the first field when the page loads. Simply add the following JavaScript at the bottom of your form: |
{{{<script type="text/javascript"> |
document.forms["person"].elements["firstName"].focus(); |
</script>}}} |
Now if you execute __ant db-load deploy__, start Tomcat and point your browser to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1], you should see something like this: |
%%(border: 1px solid black; margin: 0 auto; height: 166px; width: 337px) |
[CreateActions/personForm-final.png] |
%% |
Finally, to make this page more user friendly, you may want to add a message for your users at the top of the form, but this can easily be done by adding text (using <fmt:message>) at the top of the personForm.jsp page. |
!![[Optional] Create a Canoo WebTest to test browser-like actions [#6] |
The final (optional) step in this tutorial is to create a [Canoo WebTest|] to test the JSPs. |
;:''I say this step is optional, because you can run the same tests through your browser.'' |
You can use the following URLs to test the different actions for adding, editing and saving a user. |
* Add - [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html]. |
* Edit - [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1] (make sure and run __ant db-load__ first). |
* Delete - [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?method=Delete&id=1] (or edit and click on the Delete button). |
* Save - Click [edit|http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1] and then click the Save button. |
Canoo tests are pretty slick in that they're simply configured in an XML file. To add tests for add, edit, save and delete, open test/web/web-tests.xml and add the following XML. You'll notice that this fragment has a target named ''PersonTests'' that runs all the related tests. |
;:''I use CamelCase target names (vs. the traditional lowercase, dash-separated) because when you're typing ''-Dtestcase=Name'', I've found that I'm used to doing CamelCase for my JUnit Tests.'' |
[{Java2HtmlPlugin |
<!-- runs person-related tests --> |
<target name="PersonTests" |
depends="EditPerson,SavePerson,AddPerson,DeletePerson" |
description="Call and executes all person test cases (targets)"> |
<echo>Successfully ran all Person JSP tests!</echo> |
</target> |
<!-- Verify the edit person screen displays without errors --> |
<target name="EditPerson" |
description="Tests editing an existing Person's information"> |
<webtest name="editPerson"> |
&config; |
<steps> |
&login; |
<invoke description="click Edit Person link" url="/editPerson.html?id=1"/> |
<verifytitle description="we should see the personDetail title" |
text=".*${personDetail.title}.*" regex="true"/> |
</steps> |
</webtest> |
</target> |
<!-- Edit a person and then save --> |
<target name="SavePerson" |
description="Tests editing and saving a user"> |
<webtest name="savePerson"> |
&config; |
<steps> |
&login; |
<invoke description="click Edit Person link" url="/editPerson.html?id=1"/> |
<verifytitle description="we should see the personDetail title" |
text=".*${personDetail.title}.*" regex="true"/> |
<setinputfield description="set lastName" name="lastName" value="Canoo"/> |
<clickbutton label="Save" description="Click Save"/> |
<verifytitle description="Page re-appears if save successful" |
text=".*${personDetail.title}.*" regex="true"/> |
<verifytext description="verify success message" text="${person.updated}"/> |
</steps> |
</webtest> |
</target> |
<!-- Add a new Person --> |
<target name="AddPerson" |
description="Adds a new Person"> |
<webtest name="addPerson"> |
&config; |
<steps> |
&login; |
<invoke description="click Add Button" url="/editPerson.html"/> |
<verifytitle description="we should see the personDetail title" |
text=".*${personDetail.title}.*" regex="true"/> |
<setinputfield description="set firstName" name="firstName" value="Abbie"/> |
<setinputfield description="set lastName" name="lastName" value="Raible"/> |
<clickbutton label="${}" description="Click button 'Save'"/> |
<verifytitle description="Main Menu appears if save successful" |
text=".*${mainMenu.title}.*" regex="true"/> |
<verifytext description="verify success message" text="${person.added}"/> |
</steps> |
</webtest> |
</target> |
<!-- Delete existing person --> |
<target name="DeletePerson" |
description="Deletes existing Person"> |
<webtest name="deletePerson"> |
&config; |
<steps> |
&login; |
<invoke description="click Edit Person link" url="/editPerson.html?id=1"/> |
<prepareDialogResponse description="Confirm delete" dialogType="confirm" response="true"/> |
<clickbutton label="${button.delete}" description="Click button 'Delete'"/> |
<verifyNoDialogResponses/> |
<verifytitle description="display Main Menu" text=".*${mainMenu.title}.*" regex="true"/> |
<verifytext description="verify success message" text="${person.deleted}"/> |
</steps> |
</webtest> |
</target> |
}] |
After adding this, you should be able to run __ant test-canoo -Dtestcase=PersonTests__ with Tomcat running or __ant test-jsp -Dtestcase=PersonTests__ if you want Ant to start/stop Tomcat for you. To include the PersonTests when all Canoo tests are run, add it as a dependency to the "run-all-tests" target. |
You'll notice that there's no logging in the client-side window by Canoo. If you'd like to see what it's doing, you can add the following between </webtest> and </target> at the end of each target. |
{{{<loadfile property="web-tests.result" |
srcFile="${test.dir}/data/web-tests-result.xml"/> |
<echo>${web-tests.result}</echo>}}} |
%%(color:green)BUILD SUCCESSFUL\\ |
Total time: 10 seconds%% |
At line 191 changed 1 line. |
''Next Up:'' __Part IV:__ [Configuring Tiles and FormController|ConfiguringTilesSpring] - Integrating personForm.jsp with Tiles, adding methods for saving, customizing the JSP so it looks good and finally - writing a WebTest to test the JSPs functionality. |
''Next Up:'' __Part IV:__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListSpring] - Adding validation logic to the personForm so that firstName and lastName are required fields and adding a list screen to display all person records in the database. |