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Difference between version 6 and version 5:

At line 124 changed 1 line.
Open test/ejb/**/persistence/PersonDaoTest.java and add a ''testGetPersons'' method:
Open test/dao/**/persistence/PersonDaoTest.java and add a ''testGetPersons'' method:
At line 135 changed 1 line.
The reason I'm passing in a person object to the ''getPersons'' method is to allow for filtering (based on values in person) in the future.
The reason I'm passing in a person object to the ''getPersons'' method is to allow for filtering (based on values in person) in the future.
At line 137 changed 1 line.
Now open test/web/**/service/PersonManagerTest.java and add a ''testGetPersons'' method:
Now open test/service/**/service/PersonManagerTest.java and add a ''testGetPersons'' method:
At line 151 changed 1 line.
First, let's modify our interfaces to include a ''getPersons'' method. Open src/ejb/**/persistence/PersonDao.java and add the following:
First, let's modify our interfaces to include a ''getPersons'' method. Open src/dao/**/persistence/PersonDao.java and add the following:
At line 160 changed 1 line.
Then, open src/web/**/service/PersonManager.java and add a similar method:
Then, open src/service/**/service/PersonManager.java and add a similar method:
At line 167 changed 1 line.
Now we need to add the implementation (a.k.a. "the meat") for these methods into our DAO and Manager implementations. Open src/ejb/**/persistence/PersonDaoHibernate.java and add the following method:
Now we need to add the implementation (a.k.a. "the meat") for these methods into our DAO and Manager implementations. Open src/dao/**/persistence/PersonDaoHibernate.java and add the following method:
At line 174 changed 1 line.
* @see org.appfuse.persistence.PersonDao#getPersons(org.appfuse.persistence.Person)
* @see org.appfuse.persistence.PersonDao#getPersons(org.appfuse.model.Person)
At line 177 changed 12 lines.
List list = null;
try {
list =
ses.createQuery("from p in class " + Person.class +
" order by upper(p.firstName)").list();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DAOException(e);
return list;
return getHibernateTemplate().find("from Person p order by upper(p.firstName)");
At line 194 changed 1 line.
Also, add a ''getPersons'' method to src/web/**/service/PersonManagerImpl.java:
Also, add a ''getPersons'' method to src/service/**/service/PersonManagerImpl.java:
At line 202 changed 3 lines.
if (person == null) {
person = new Person();
Person person = (Person) convert(obj);
At line 206 changed 20 lines.
personForm = (PersonForm) obj;
if (personForm == null) {
personForm = new PersonForm();
// copy search parameters to person
BeanUtils.copyProperties(person, personForm);
List persons = dao.getPersons(person);
// loop through the list and convert all objects to forms
for (int i = 0; i < persons.size(); i++) {
Person p = (Person) persons.get(i);
PersonForm pForm = new PersonForm();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(pForm, p);
persons.set(i, pForm);
return persons;
return dao.getPersons(person);
At line 231 changed 2 lines.
* __ant test-ejb -Dtestcase=PersonDao__
* __ant test-web -Dtestcase=PersonManager__
* __ant test-dao -Dtestcase=PersonDao__
* __ant test-service -Dtestcase=PersonManager__
At line 254 changed 1 line.
This class will not compile until you add the PERSON_LIST variable to the src/common/**/common/Constants.java file.
This class will not compile until you add the PERSON_LIST variable to the src/dao/**/Constants.java file.

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