ValidationAndList |
Your trail: |
Difference between
version 62
version 61:
At line 202 changed 1 line. |
If everything works - ''nice job!'' Now we need to add this ''retrieve all'' functionality to the web tier. |
If everything works - ''nice job!'' Now you need to add this ''retrieve all'' functionality to the web tier. |
At line 431 changed 1 line. |
Now if you run __ant clean deploy__ and start Tomcat, you should see something like the screenshot below. |
Now if you run __ant clean deploy__ start Tomcat and go to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/mainMenu.html], you should see something like the screenshot below. |
At line 440 changed 1 line. |
You've completed the full lifecycle of developing a set of master-detail pages with AppFuse - __congratulations__! Now the real test is if you can run all the tests in your app without failure. To test, stop tomcat and run __ant clean test-all__. This will run all the unit tests within your project. As a reminder, it should be easy to setup and test AppFuse from scratch using __ant setup-db setup-tomcat test-all__. Also, if you're looking for more robust examples - checkout [StrutsResume]. |
You've completed the full lifecycle of developing a set of master-detail pages with AppFuse - __Congratulations__! Now the real test is if you can run all the tests in your app without failure. To test, stop tomcat and run __ant clean test-all__. This will run all the unit tests within your project. As a reminder, it should be easy to setup and test AppFuse from scratch using __ant setup-db setup-tomcat test-all__. Also, if you're looking for more robust examples - checkout [Struts Resume|StrutsResume]. |
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