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Mike Lawrence has been nice enough to put the following documentation together. I believe this is for AppFuse 1.3.

Steps for running Appfuse under OracleAs (Orion) OC4J 9.0.4

Contributed by Mike Lawrence (mike at systemsplanet.com) Feb 04, 2004. Original is attached(info) at the bottom of this page.

This page includes instructions for installing and configuring Appfuse to run on the Oracle Application Server (Orion). Special Thanks to Matt for his help in getting this up and running!

OC4J Installation

1. Download Oracle App Server 9.0.4.

2. Unzip the files to the path c:\oc4j-9.0.4

3. Complete the install with the commands:

  • c:
  • cd c:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home
  • java -jar oc4j.jar –install

4. Set the administrator password to: welcome

5. Run the App Server: java -jar oc4j.jar

6. Verify it's running by loading http://localhost:8888/index.html.

7. Stop the App Server: java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 admin welcome -shutdown

Configure OC4J for AppFuse

1. Edit C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\config\applications.xml and add the following line:
<web-module id="appfuse" path="../../home/applications/appfuse.war" />
2. Comment out the line (Note this was the default in version 9.0.3) to force the use of principals.xml:
<!-- <jazn provider="XML" location="./jazn-data.xml"/> -->
3. Edit C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\config\http-web-site.xml and add the line:
<web-app application="default" name="appfuse" root="/appfuse" />
4. Edit C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\config\principals.xml and add the following to the <group> element:
<group name="tomcat">
  <description>tomcat grp</description>
<group name="admin">
  <description>admin grp</description>
Then add the following to the <users> element:
<user username="tomcat" password="536c0b339345616c1b33caf454454d8b8a190d6c" 
  <description>tomcat user</description>
  <group-membership group="tomcat" />
<user username="mraible" password="536c0b339345616c1b33caf454454d8b8a190d6c" 
  <description>The appfuse administrator</description>
  <group-membership group="admin" />
NOTE: This version is using an xml file, principals.xml, for user authentication.

5. Edit C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\config\data-sources.xml and add the following:

<data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
  name="jdbc/appfuse" location="jdbc/appfuse" 
  username="root" password="" 
  inactivity-timeout="30" />

6. Copy C:\appfuse\lib\mysql-connector-java-3.0.9-stable\mysql-connector-java-3.0.9-stable-bin.jar to C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\applib.

Set Environment Variables

1. Create an environment variable ORACLE10_HOME with the value c:\oc4j-9.0.4

Modify XML files

1. Add the a target to deploy to Oracle/Orion in build.xml (or course, you could also simply modify the existing deploy target):
<target name="deploy-oracle10" depends="package-web" 
    description="deploy war to /j2ee/home/applications under $ORACLE10_HOME">
    <echo>Copying ${webapp.dist}/${webapp.war} to </echo>
    <echo>  ${env.ORACLE10_HOME}/j2ee/home/applications/${webapp.name}.war</echo>
    <copy file="${webapp.dist}/${webapp.war}" 
2. Edit \appfuse\metadata\web\filter-mappings.xml and comment out all the filters except for the actionFilter:
These don't seem to work on Orion, that's why they're commented out.

Verify AppFuse Installation using Tomcat

* C:\mysql-4.0.17\bin\mysqld.exe --console        (start MySQL)
* ant setup-tomcat                                (Configure Tomcat)
* ant setup-db                                    (Configure MySQL)
* ant test-all                                    (Run all tests)
* ant test-reports                                (Generate Test Results)
* View C:\appfuse\build\test\reports\index.html   (Verify results)
* C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\bin\startup.bat        (start Tomcat)
* http://localhost:8080/appfuse                   (Verify Appfuse is running in Tomcat)
NOTE: Make sure C:\appfuse\lib\hibernate-2.1.1\lib\jta.jar is in C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16\common\lib

Build for Oracle

1. Use ant to create a war and deploy it.
ant -Dhttp.port=8888 clean package-web
ant -Dhttp.port=8888 deploy-oracle10

You should see the following message:

Copying C:\appfuse/dist/webapps/appfuse-1.3.war to c:\oc4j-9.0.4/j2ee/home/applications/appfuse.war

NOTE: OC4J uses port 8888 by default. You can set this to be the default by defining an http.port=8888 property in build.properties, or changing the default in properties.xml.

Test with OC4J

1. Start the App Server (cd c:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home; java -jar oc4j.jar)
04/02/04 09:32:43  Auto-unpacking C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\applications\appfuse.war... done.
04/02/04 10:39:42 Auto-deploying appfuse (New server version detected)...
04/02/04 10:39:43 Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized

2. Open page http://localhost:8888/appfuse and login with username/password tomcat/tomcat.


Modified the Eclipse Project, Properties, Java Build Path. A couple of Jars were incorrect. MyEclipse allows you to do source-level debugging under Tomcat and OC4J.

Differences between Tomcat and OC4J

These messages display when Tomcat is started, but don’t display under OC4J. This one is probably because I'm not using the database for authentication yet.
AbandonedObjectPool is used (org.apache.commons.dbcp.AbandonedObjectPool@137d4a4)
  LogAbandoned: true
  RemoveAbandoned: true
  RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 60
  NamingHelper.bind(68) | Creating subcontext: hibernate

OC4J Version 9.0.3 Notes

  • Copy the JDBC driver to C:\oc4j-9.0.3\j2ee\home\lib instead of C:\oc4j-9.0.4\j2ee\home\applib
  • rename C:\oc4j-9.0.3\jdk\lib\tools.jar tools.jar.old #obsolete jar file
  • copy C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\lib\tools.jar to C:\oc4j-9.0.3\jdk\lib\tools.jar
  • rename C:\oc4j-9.0.3\j2ee\home\lib\jasper.zip jaspar.jar

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This particular version was published on 06-Nov-2006 13:52:23 MST by MattRaible.