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This is version 1.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. AppFuse's main purpose is to help you quickly accelerate the start of your webapp. Here are the basic steps to creating a new project with it. 1. Download the source version or CVS version. 2. Install J2EE 1.4, set a J2EE_HOME variable, install Java, set a JAVA_HOME variable, install Ant, set a ANT_HOME variable. 3. Install MySQL and Tomcat 4.1.x+. 4. Setup an SMTP server or change mail.properties (in the root) to point to an existing one - it defaults to localhost 5. Copy lib/junit3.8.1/junit.jar to $ANT_HOME/lib. 6. Run "ant new -Dapp.name=YOURAPPNAME -Ddb.name=YOURDBNAME". This will create a directory named YOURAPPNAME in the same directory as appfuse. 7. Navigate to the new directory and run "ant setup-db setup-tomcat deploy" to setup your app on Tomcat. If you want to test and make sure everything works, run "ant test-all" - make sure Tomcat is stopped when you do this. Usually, after you get all this to work - it's likely you'll want to change all your package names to "com.company" rather than "org.appfuse". I use Eclipse to rename packages. You'll also need to change the "javadoc" target in build.xml to looking for "com.*" rather than "org.*".