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It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. 2005.07.27 - AppFuse 1.8 with Microsoft SQLServer 20001] download JDTS jarhttp://jasigch.princeton edu:9000/display/UPC/MSSQL+with+the+JTDS+JDBC+Driver and copy them to "lib/jdts" directory2] Add this to "lib/lib.properties"
3] in "properties.xml" change this lines:
4] in build.xml change
2003.11.21 - Microsoft SQLServer 2000 & AutoCommitI had problems with MSSQL and automatic transactions, the solution I have found:
2003.11.19 - AppFuse 0.9 with Microsoft SQLServer 2000I (D33nar) am having trouble running Appfuse 0.9 as well as struts resume. After successfully compiling and building Appfuse, I can start the application on tomcat and get it running, logon with tomcat/tomcat. The problem arises whenever I try modifying data, the JDBC connection performing the update never finishes and all subsequent JDBC connections are blocked by the update connection. I tried using Microsoft and weblogic drivers for JDBC, but face the same problem.. I have spent significant time and am continuing to debug the problem, but would like to hear from anyone out there who has got Appfuse or struts-resume running on SQLServer. UPDATE: I have traced the problem to JDBC auto-commit. I put a trace on the SQL sent to the server. A transaction is begun, but never committed, sometimes the driver/pool rolls it back with something like IF @@TRANCOUNT>0 ROLLBACK TRAN BEGIN TRAN I am not sure if it is
I also found that everthing works fine with auto-commit=true, which is not a solution