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This is version 5.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. About this tutorialThis is a tutorial to show how to create and manage Hibernate relationships within AppFuse. This tutorial was written for AppFuse 1.8 and the AppGen pieces may not work with previous versions.Table of Contents
Create Weblog.java, Entry.java and add XDoclet tags [#1]For our purposes, the Weblog entity is a list of available weblogs. A Weblog object has the following properties an id, a username, a dateCreated, and a blogTitle. Every Entry object has an id, a text, and a timeCreated property. The first thing to do is create some objects to persist. Let's create both a "Weblog" and Entry objects (in the src/dao/**/model directory).
[Many-to-One] Create a new Category object and modify Entry.java to use it [#2][One-to-Many] A Weblog object can have many Entries [#3][Many-to-Many] ??? [#4]Lazy-Loading Issues [#5]Managing relationships and indexed properties in the UI [#6]Attachments: