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Most of the instructions for installing Jetspeed-2 are on the Jetspeed site, but they're not super-explicit. This page is designed to show you how to install Jetspeed following a simple set of instructions. This document assumes you already have Ant 1.6 and Tomcat 5.0.28 installed. 1. Install Maven and then run the following command from the command line. maven scm:checkout-project -Dmaven.scm.method=cvs -Dmaven.scm.cvs.module=jakarta-jetspeed-2 -Dmaven.scm.cvs.root=:pserver:[email protected]:/home/cvspublic -Dmaven.scm.checkout.dir=. 2. Create a build.properties file in your $HOME directory. Change the paths below to fit your installation. org.apache.jetspeed.project.home=/Users/mraible/dev/jakarta-jetspeed-2 org.apache.jetspeed.server.home=/opt/dev/tools/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 org.apache.jetspeed.catalina.version.major=5 org.apache.jetspeed.server.shared=${org.apache.jetspeed.server.home}/shared/lib/ org.apache.jetspeed.deploy.war.dir=${org.apache.jetspeed.server.home}/webapps/ org.apache.jetspeed.services.autodeployment.user=admin org.apache.jetspeed.services.autodeployment.password=admin 3. In $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml, add the admin user you specified above: <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager"/> 4. Open a command prompt, cd into the jakarta-jetspeed-2 directory and run the command below to start the test database: maven start.test.server 5. Open another command prompt, cd into the jakarta-jetspeed-2 directory and run the following: maven allClean allBuild 6. When this has completed, use Ctrl+C in the first (start.test.server) command window and run: maven start.production.server 7. In the 2nd command window (allClean allBuild), run the following: maven quickStart 8. This will install Jetspeed into Tomcat. Once it's completed, start Tomcat and then view the installed Jetspeed application at http://localhost:8080/jetspeed. For information on deploying portlets, see Struts Portlet or JSF Portlet.