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This is version 7.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. I did some refactorings on Struts Menu in the last few days and thought I'd document them here as it's a bit more convenient than via e-mail. Also, I have a couple issues that might be better exposed here vs. a mailing list. Refactorings
page="/velocity.jsp?test=${test}In this example, the variable 'test' is searched for using pageContext.findAttribute("test"). You could easily set this parameter using JSTL and <c:set var="test" value="value" />. I also added support for request parameters if not found in the pageContext.
context.put("formatter", new VelocityFormatter(context)); context.put("now", Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); context.put("ctxPath", request.getContextPath()); // see if a name and property were passed in if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { Object val1 = RequestUtils.lookup(pageContext, name, null, null); if (val1 != null) { context.put(name, val1); } } // request-scope attributes Enumeration enum = request.getAttributeNames(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) enum.nextElement(); Object value = request.getAttribute(name); context.put(name, value); } context.put("request", request); context.put("session", request.getSession()); context.put("menu", menu); context.put("displayer", this); Here is a sample velocity template for rendering a simple menu. It shouldn't be too hard to re-create the existing using Velocity templates. ## Evaluates other macros. #macro(eval $_macro)$_macro#end #macro( displayMenu $menu $level ) #if ($menu.components.size() > 0) ## display top menu #menuItem($menu $level) #foreach ($menu in $menu.components) #local ($menu $level) #set ($level = $level+1) #if ($menu.components.size() > 0) #eval("#displayMenu($menu $level)") #else #menuItem($menu $level) #end #end #end #else #menuItem($menu $level) #end #end #macro( menuItem $menu $level ) #foreach ($i in [0..$level]) #end #if ($menu.url) <a href="$menu.url" title="$menu.title"> $menu.title</a> #else $menu.title #end <br /> #end #displayMenu($menu 0) This is configured in your JSP using: <menu:useMenuDisplayer name="Velocity" config="/table.html" bundle="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"> <menu:displayMenu name="indexMenu"/> </menu:useMenuDisplayer> Where config points to a file relative to your webapp. You can also use config="table.html" where table.html is under WEB-INF/classes. IssuesI don't know if its Velocity or the tag library, but someone is caching the templates and the only way to get them to refresh is to restart Tomcat. I'd like to be messing with the JSP and it's template on Tomcat and just refresh them in the browser (after saving). It'd sure cut down on development time.TODO
Comments, suggestions or questions are most welcome. If not here, doing it on one of the mailing lists is probably most appropriate.