At line 3 changed 1 line. |
;:''One thing I've noticed is that it's best to get your app running on the Anthill server before you try to get it running through Anthill. Basically, this means running __ant setup-db setup-tomcat deploy__, stop/restart Tomcat and run __ant test-all-running__. If everything works, it should work in Anthill.'' |
;:''One thing I've noticed is that it's best to get your app running on the Anthill server before you try to get it running through Anthill. Basically, this means running __setup__, stop/restart Tomcat and run __ant test-all-running__. If everything works, it should work in Anthill.'' |
At line 15 removed 1 line. |
anthill.publish.ant.params.value = deploy |
At line 34 changed 60 lines. |
Just so you know, here are the available build targets in AppFuse's build.xml file. To view this list locally, execute __ant -projecthelp__. |
{{{ |
Buildfile: build.xml |
Main targets: |
checkstyle Check code style for compliance with coding standards |
clean Removes build artifacts |
compile-common Compile common module |
compile-ejb Compile ejb module |
compile-web Compile web module |
copy-resources Copy .properties and .xml files from source directory |
copy-web-files Copy static files |
db-create create database for ${database.type} |
db-drop drops database tables |
db-export Runs DBUnit Tests |
db-init creates database tables |
db-load Runs DBUnit Tests |
define-tasks defines custom tasks |
deploy unwar into the servlet container's deployment directory |
deploy-test-reports Deploys Generated JUnit test reports to server |
deploy-test-war Cactifies WAR file by adding cactus-specific needs |
deploy-war Deploy '${}.war' to local Tomcat |
deploy-web deploy only web classes to servlet container's deploy directory |
dist create zip and tar.gz of entire directory for distribution |
docs runs javadoc, todo, checkstyle and pmd tasks |
ejbdoclet Generate Persistence and form classes |
ftp FTPs archive files to specified server |
gen-tests-common Generate tests for common module |
gen-tests-ejb Generate tests for ejb module |
gen-tests-web Generate tests for web module |
init init target directory |
java2html creates HTML pages of code for online viewing |
javadoc Generate JavaDoc API docs |
jsp-2 Convert JSP 1.2 tags (i.e. JSTL) to JSP 2.0 |
new creates a new project with the specified name |
package-ejb Package EJB JAR |
package-web Package WAR |
ping-tomcat pings tomcat to make sure it's running |
pmd Locates unused imports, unused variables, etc. |
reload Stops Tomcat, undeploys, cleans, then re-deploys |
setup-db creates database and populates by calling other tasks |
setup-tomcat copies jdbc driver and context.xml to tomcat |
stage-web Calls other targets to gather static resources |
start.tomcat starts tomcat in the current console window |
stop.tomcat stops tomcat |
test-all runs all tests for common, ejb and web |
test-all-running runs all tests for common, ejb and web |
test-cactus Runs Cactus tests in Tomcat, starts/stops server |
test-canoo Runs Canoo WebTests in Tomcat to test JSPs |
test-common Test common module |
test-ejb Test ejb module |
test-jsp Runs Canoo WebTests using Cactus |
test-reports Generate test reports |
test-web Test web module |
undeploy undeploy war file to servlet container's deployment dir |
webdoclet Generate web and Struts descriptors |
wiki downloads files from wiki for doco |
Default target: package-web |
}}} |
To see the available targets in AppFuse's build.xml file, execute __ant -projecthelp__. |