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AppFuse is easy to configure with Anthill
anthill.schedule = hourly anthill.lastBuildFailDate = 10/09/2004 01:44:45 anthill.lastBuildSucceeded = true anthill.lastGoodBuildDate = 10/09/2004 04:18:11 anthill.registry.format.version = 1.1 anthill.publish.url = anthill.publish.dir = anthill.publish.script = build.xml anthill.publish.run_policy = success.only anthill.build.script = build.xml anthill.build.tag = none anthill.build.ant.params$1.value = setup anthill.build.ant.params$2.value = test-all-running anthill.users.Sample User = [email protected] anthill.version.adapter = com.urbancode.anthill.adapter.UrbanCodeVersionAdapter anthill.version.file = anthill.version anthill.java.extra.options = anthill.mail.policy = always anthill.repository.adapter = com.urbancode.anthill.adapter.CVSRepositoryAdapter anthill.repository.cvs.root = :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs anthill.repository.cvs.module = appfuse anthill.repository.cvs.branch = anthill.repository.cvs.anthill.user = mraible anthill.repository.cvs.work.dir = work anthill.project.version = 1.5.40 To see the available targets in AppFuse's build.xml file, execute ant -projecthelp.