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__Part II:__ [Creating new Managers|CreateManager] - A HowTo for creating Business Facades that talk to the database tier (DAOs) and handle transaction management.
__Part II:__ [创建新的Manager|CreateManager_zh] - 创建与数据库端(DAOs)交互的业务Facades和事务处理。
At line 3 changed 1 line.
;:''This tutorial depends on __Part I:__ [Creating new DAOs and Objects in AppFuse|CreateDAO].''
;:''本教程依赖于__Part I:__[在AppFuse建立DAO和POJO |CreateDAO_zh].''
At line 5 changed 2 lines.
!!About this Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to create a Business Facade class (and a JUnit Test) to talk to the [DAO we created in Part I|CreateDAO].
本教程将会向你展示如何创建一个业务Facade类(和一个JUnit Test)与[Part I里生成的DAO|CreateDAO_zh]交互操作。
At line 8 changed 1 line.
In the context of [AppFuse], this is called a Manager class. Its main responsibility is to act as a bridge between the persistence (DAO) layer and the web layer. It's also useful for de-coupling your presentation layer from your database layer (i.e. for Swing apps). Managers should also be where you put any business logic for your application.
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;:%%(color: blue)''I will tell you how I do stuff in the __Real World__ in text like this.''%%
;:%%(color: blue)''我在“真实世界”中实际操作的方式用蓝色斜体表示。''%%
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Let's get started by creating a new ManagerTest and Manager in AppFuse's architecture.
At line 14 changed 5 lines.
!Table of Contents
* [1] Create a new ManagerTest to run JUnit tests on the Manager
* [2] Create a new Manager to talk to the DAO
* [3] Configure Spring for this Manager and Transactions
* [4] Run the ManagerTest
* [1] 创建一个新的运行JUnit测试的ManagerTest
* [2] 创建一个新的与DAO通讯的Manager
* [3] 为这个Manager和事务配置Spring
* [4] 运行ManagerTest
At line 20 changed 2 lines.
!!Create a new ManagerTest to run JUnit tests on the Manager [#1]
In [Part I|CreateDAO], we created a Person object and PersonDao - so let's continue developing this entity. First, let's create a JUnit test for the PersonManager. Create PersonManagerTest in the test/service/**/service directory. We'll want to test the same basic methods (get, save, remove) that our DAO has.
!!创建一个新的运行JUnit测试的ManagerTest [#1]
在[Part I|CreateDAO],我们创建了一个Person对象和一个PersonDao对象 - 所以我们继续开发这个实体,首先,我们创建PersonManager的JUnit test,在test/service/**/service目录下创建PersonManagerTest,我们会希望在DAO对象同样的基本方法(get, save, remove) 测试。
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;:''This may seem redundant (why all the tests!), but these tests are GREAT to have 6 months down the road.''
At line 25 changed 1 line.
This class should extend [BaseManagerTestCase|http://raibledesigns.com/downloads/appfuse/api/org/appfuse/service/BaseManagerTestCase.java.html], which already exists in the ''service'' package. The parent class (BaseManagerTestCase) serves similar functionality as the BaseDaoTestCase.
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;:%%(color: blue)''I usually copy (open → save as) an existing test (i.e. UserManagerTest.java) and find/replace [[Uu]ser with [[Pp]erson, or whatever the name of my object is.''%%
;:%%(color: blue)''我通常会修改(打开 → 另存为)存在的测试(如UserManagerTest.java),查找/替换[[Uu]ser with [[Pp]erson,或者其他任何我的对象的名字。''%%
At line 29 changed 1 line.
The code below is what you need for a basic JUnit test of your Manager. Unlike the DaoTest, this test uses [jMock|http://jmock.org] to isolate the Manager from its dependencies and make it a ''true'' "unit" test. This can be very helpful because it allows you to test your business logic w/o worrying about other dependencies. The code below simply sets up the Manger and its dependencies (as Mocks) for testing.
以下代码是一个基本的Manager的JUnit测试的要求,与DaoTest不同,这个测试使用[jMock|http://jmock.org]来将Manager和他的依赖隔离,使它成为一个''真的''"单元" 测试。这可以使你只关心业务逻辑而不必担心它的依赖,以下代码简单的设置好Manager和它 的依赖。
At line 64 changed 1 line.
Now that you have the skeleton done for this class, you need to add the meat: the test methods to make sure everything works. Here's a snippet from the [DAO Tutorial|CreateDAO] tutorial to help you understand what we're about to do.
现在你已经把类的骨架搭好了,你需要添加肉了:填写确保所有测试通过的代码,以下来自[DAO Tutorial|CreateDAO]的片断帮助我们理解我们将要做的事情。
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;:''...we create methods that begin with "test" (all lower case). As long as these methods are public, have a void return type and take no arguments, they will be called by our <junit> task in our Ant build.xml file. Here's some simple tests for testing CRUD. An important thing to remember is that each method (also known as a test), should be autonomous.''
At line 68 changed 1 line.
Add the following methods to your PersonManagerTest.java file:
At line 81 added 1 line.
At line 127 changed 1 line.
This class won't compile at this point because we have not created our PersonManager interface.
At line 129 changed 1 line.
;:%%(color: blue)''I think it's funny how I've followed so many patterns to allow __extendibility__ in AppFuse. In reality, on most projects I've been on - I learn so much in a year that I don't want to extend the architecture - I want to rewrite it. Hopefully by keeping AppFuse up to date with my perceived best practices, this won't happen as much. Each year will just be an upgrade to the latest AppFuse, rather than a re-write. ;-)''
;:%%(color: blue)''在AppFuse里遵从这么多规范来实现__可扩展性__看起来很可笑,事实上,在绝大多数我参与的项目里 - 我发现在一年里学了如此多的知识,以至于我不想扩展我的架构,我想去重写它,我希望通过采纳最佳实践来保持AppFuse的时效性,但这并不经常发生,每年都仅仅是一个道最新版本的升级,而不是一个重写,;-)''
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!!Create a new Manager to talk to the DAO [#2]
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First off, create a PersonManager.java interface in the src/service/**/service directory and specify the basic CRUD methods for any implementation classes. ''I've eliminated the JavaDocs in the class below for display purposes.'' The ''setPersonDao()'' method is not used in most cases - its just exists so the PersonManagerTest can set the DAO on the interface.
马上,为所有实现类在src/service/**/service目录创建一个PersonManager.java接口来指定基本的CRUD操作,为了显示的目的,我去掉了所有的JavaDocs, ''setPersonDao()''方法不是在所有的情况下出现,只是因为PersonManagerTest可以把DAO赋值。
At line 135 changed 1 line.
;:%%(color: blue)''As usual, I usually duplicate (open → save as) an existing file (i.e. UserManager.java).''%%
;:%%(color: blue)''通常,我会复制(打开 → 另存为)一个已存在的文件 (例如UserManager.java).''%%
At line 152 changed 1 line.
Now let's create a PersonManagerImpl class that implements the methods in PersonManager. To do this, create a new class in src/service/**/service/impl and name it PersonManagerImpl.java. It should extend BaseManager and implement PersonManager.
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One thing to note is the {{setPersonDao()}} method. This is used by Spring to bind the PersonDao to this Manager. This is configured in the applicationContext-service.xml file. We'll get to configuring that in Step 3[3]. You should be able to compile everything now using "ant compile-service".
At line 185 changed 1 line.
Now you need to edit Spring's config file for our services layer so it will know about this new Manager.
需要注意的是{{setPersonDao()}}方法,Spring使用它来绑定PersonDao到Manager,这些配置在applicationContext-service.xml 文件,我们将在Step 3[3]配置这些,现在你可以使用"ant compile-service"编译所有代码。
At line 187 changed 1 line.
!!Configure Spring for this Manager and Transactions [#3]
At line 189 changed 1 line.
To notify Spring of this our PersonManager interface and its implementation, open the src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. In here, you should see a commented out definition for the "personManager" bean. Uncomment this, or add the following to the bottom of this file.
At line 191 added 2 lines.
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The "parent" attribute refers to a bean definition for a [TransactionProxyFactoryBean|http://www.springframework.org/docs/api/org/springframework/transaction/interceptor/TransactionProxyFactoryBean.html] that has all the basic transaction attributes set.
At line 204 added 1 line.
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!!Run the ManagerTest [#4]
保存所有的文件,并且运行__ant test-service -Dtestcase=PersonManager__。
At line 205 removed 2 lines.
Save all your edited files and try running __ant test-service -Dtestcase=PersonManager__.
At line 213 changed 1 line.
The files that were modified and added to this point are [available for download|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/7484/appfuse-tutorial-managers-1.6.zip].
At line 215 changed 1 line.
''Next Up:'' __Part III:__ [Creating Actions and JSPs|CreateActions] - A HowTo for creating Actions and JSPs in the AppFuse architecture.
''下一部分:'' __Part III:__ [创建 Struts Actions和JSPs|CreateActions_zh] - 在AppFuse架构下创建Actions和JSPs。

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