HibernateRelationships |
Your trail: |
Difference between
version 45
version 44:
At line 1682 changed 1 line. |
!applicationContext-hibernate.xml |
!Configure Spring for WeblogDAO |
Modifications need to be made in applicationContext-hibernate.xml for the new entity Weblog. |
At line 1685 added 25 lines. |
[{Java2HtmlPlugin |
<property name="mappingResources"> |
<list> |
<value>org/appfuse/model/Role.hbm.xml</value> |
<value>org/appfuse/model/User.hbm.xml</value> |
<value>org/appfuse/model/UserCookie.hbm.xml</value> |
<value>org/appfuse/model/Weblog.hbm.xml</value> |
<value>org/appfuse/model/Entry.hbm.xml</value> |
<value>org/appfuse/model/Category.hbm.xml</value> |
</list> |
</property> |
}] |
[{Java2HtmlPlugin |
<!-- WeblogDAO: Hibernate implementation --> |
<bean id="weblogDAO" class="org.appfuse.dao.hibernate.WeblogDAOHibernate"> |
<property name="sessionFactory"><ref local="sessionFactory"/></property> |
</bean> |
}] |
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