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At line 26 changed 4 lines.
* <strong style="color: blue;">May 6, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_videos">AppFuse Videos</a> created and setup a new <a href="http://issues.appfuse.org">JIRA Issue Tracker</a>. Thanks to <a href="http://atlassian.com">Atlassian</a> for the free JIRA license and to <a href="http://contegix.com">Contegix</a> for hosting it. Also thanks to <a href="http://kgbinternet.com">KGB Internet Solutions</a> for sponsoring the hosting of the <a href="http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html">AppFuse Demos</a>.
* <strong style="color: blue">April 29, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=ann_appfuse_1_8_released">AppFuse 1.8 Released</a>. Acegi Security integration + many improvements to build.xml and AppGen.<br/>
* <strong style="color: blue">February 27, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=ann_equinox_1_3_released">Equinox 1.3 Released</a>. Primarily a bug fix release, but also adds support for Maven.<br/>
* <strong style="color: blue">December 29, 2004:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=ann_equinox_1_2_released">Equinox 1.2 Released</a>. Now has implementations for 5 persistence frameworks: Hibernate, iBATIS, JDO (JPOX), Spring JDBC and OJB.
* <strong style="color: blue">June 15, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=ann_appfuse_1_8_1_released">AppFuse 1.8.1 Released</a>. A bug fix release with no new features. Also includes many upgrades to the core libraries (Hibernate, Spring, iBATIS, MyFaces).
* <strong style="color: blue">June 15, 2006:</strong> Thomas Gaudin has put together a couple of detailed and easy-to-follow tutorials on his site: <a href="http://www.thogau.net/page/thogau/tutorial01"> Handling Dates with AppFuse and Struts</a> and <a href="http://www.thogau.net/page/thogau/tutorial02">Building a persisted dynamic web tree</a>.
* <strong style="color: blue">May 6, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_videos">AppFuse Videos</a> created and setup a new <a href="http://issues.appfuse.org">JIRA Issue Tracker</a>. Thanks to <a href="http://atlassian.com">Atlassian</a> for the free JIRA license and to <a href="http://contegix.com">Contegix</a> for hosting it. Also thanks to <a href="http://kgbinternet.com">KGB Internet Solutions</a> for sponsoring the hosting of the <a href="http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html">AppFuse Demos</a>.
* <strong style="color: blue">April 29, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=ann_appfuse_1_8_released">AppFuse 1.8 Released</a>. Acegi Security integration + many improvements to build.xml and AppGen.
* <strong style="color: blue">February 27, 2005:</strong> <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=ann_equinox_1_3_released">Equinox 1.3 Released</a>. Primarily a bug fix release, but also adds support for Maven.
At line 50 added 8 lines.
!!__June 15, 2005__ - AppFuse 1.8.1
This release is mostly a bug fix release with no new features. It also includes many upgrades to the core libraries (Hibernate, Spring, iBATIS, MyFaces). Thanks to all the [sponsors|http://appfuse.dev.java.net/sponsors.html] who have contributed products and free hosting to the AppFuse project.
* [Download|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=3543]
* [Release Notes|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentView?documentID=16122]
* [Online Demos|http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html]
* [Mailing Lists|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]

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