At line 16 added 30 lines. |
!!Add J2EE_HOME to Classpath Variables [#2] |
!!Add JUnit to Ant's classpath [#3] |
Adding junit.jar to Ant's classpath is pretty easy. Open Eclipse and go to Window ? Preferences. Navigate to Ant ? Runtime and you should a window similar to the one below. |
[ant-runtime.png] |
You will need to add junit.jar to the __additional classpath entry__ in the bottom pane. If you have Ant installed, and junit.jar in it's ''lib'' directory, I'd use that. Otherwise, you can use the junit.jar file in the lib/junit3.8.1 directory. |
__Note:__ Sometime between M4 and M7, the layout of the Runtime properties page has changed. Be sure to add junit.jar to the __Ant Home Entries__ rather than the ''Global Entries''. |
!!Add build.xml to Ant View [#4] |
Now we need to add the build.xml to Eclipse's Ant View. To do this, go to Window ? Show View ? Ant. Then click on the first icon in this view (screenshot below) to add AppFuse's build file. |
[ant-view.png] |
!!Run Ant [#5] |
After adding the build.xml, you should be able to expand it in the Ant View and execute any of the targets. You should make sure that your $J2EE_HOME environment variable is set (not just the Classpath Variables you configured above), since AppFuse relies on this. At this point, you should see something similar to the screenshot below. |
[ant-targets.png] |
!!Run JUnit Tests in Eclipse [#6] |
It's also possible to run your JUnit tests in Eclipse. I should note that if you're running an ActionTest, you'll need to execute "ant deploy-test-war" and then start Tomcat before running them. To configure Eclipse to run AppFuse's JUnit Tests, all you need to do is define a J2EE_HOME variable. To do this, go to Window ? Preferences ? Java ? Classpath Variables. Add a new variable called J2EE_HOME and point it to the location where you have the [J2EE SDK|] installed. AppFuse already has its classpath configured (in the .classpath file) to include J2EE_HOME/lib/j2ee.jar. |
Open a test you'd like to run (i.e. UserDaoTest) and go to Run ? Debug As ? JUnit Test. If this doesn't work, make sure you have AppFuse 1.0.1+ |
!!Tips for Debugging and UI Editing [#7] |
For debugging, I use the Tomcat Plugin in Eclipse and set breakpoints. For little changes, I use "ant deploy-web" which only takes a couple of seconds. For truly minor tweaks, it's sometimes easier to edit the file in Tomcat's webapps folder. For major design changes, I usually run the app, view source on a page and save it to a "sandbox" folder in the same directory as my project. Then I do a find/replace and change all "/appfuse/" references to "../web/". This allows me to change CSS and |
JS files and just refresh the file in the sandbox. |