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This is version 4.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. AppFuse, by default, is configured to be an Eclipse project. When you do ant new -Dapp.name=yourApp -Ddb.name=yourDatabase you will get the .project and .classpath files to start your project with. However, you will need to make a few setting changes in Eclipse to run Ant.
Table of ContentsAdd JUnit to Ant's classpath [#1]Adding junit.jar to Ant's classpath is pretty easy. Open Eclipse and go to Window → Preferences. Navigate to Ant → Runtime and you should a window similar to the one below. You will need to add the additional classpath entry in the bottom pane. If you have Ant installed, and junit.jar in it's lib directory, I'd use that. Otherwise, you can use the junit.jar file in the lib/junit3.8.1 directory.Add build.xml to Ant View [#2]Run Ant [#3]Attachments: