Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

[ANN] Equinox 1.6 Released

For a good story of how Equinox helps, see Wayland Chan's Equinox to the rescue blog post.

This release's major new features are Tapestry 4.0 and WebWork 2.2.1 upgrades. In addition, I changed to use Maven's Standard Directory Layout. It makes IDE and using Maven plugins much easier, so it's a natural progression.

This release does not contain Maven support for running the integration tests with Cargo. This is because Cargo still seems a lot more complicated with Maven than with Ant. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out an easy way to get test-all functionality with Maven and Cargo in the next release.

All of the frameworks used in Equinox, as well as its build/test system is explained in Spring Live. A summary of the changes are below (detailed release notes can be found in JIRA):

  • Added custom exception page for Tapestry, as well as tapestry-flash.
  • Changed birthday date input to use WebWork's DatePicker component.
  • Added support for pre-compiling JSPs when building with Maven (on by default).
  • Added createDatabaseIfNotExist=true to to auto-create the database when using MySQL.
  • Changed classes that extend *SpringContextTests to use AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME so more than one instance of an interface is supported.
  • Dependent packages upgraded:
    • Cargo 0.7
    • DisplayTag 1.1
    • Hibernate 3.1.2
    • Scriptaculous 1.5.2
    • Tapestry 4.0
    • WebTest build 1168
    • WebWork 2.2.1

Download. For more information about installing the various options, see the README.txt file.


Known Issues: The Tapestry-Flash JAR was built with JDK 1.5 - so you'll need JDK 5 to run the Tapestry version. Howard Lewis Ship said he'd fix this tonight or tomorrow. Also, if you're on Unix, you'll need to run "ant fixcrlf" before you install anything. Finally, downloading dependencies might not work the first time. Running the "ant" or "mvn" command multiple times usually solves the problem.

See the roadmap for what's coming in the next release.

Posted in Java at Feb 21 2006, 04:35:08 PM MST 8 Comments

Dear Matt

I tried your Equinox 1.6-JSF demo. Looks perfect. After I downloaded the source. The 'ant new' build isn't working. Is there an other place to download a fully version, like a .war (hopefully includes all the required portlet things). I'm looking for an demo to integrate in jetspeed-2 ;-)

greetings from switzerland

[artifact:dependencies] [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository displaytag (
[artifact:dependencies] [WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository displaytag (
[artifact:dependencies] Downloading: xerces/xercesImpl/2.6.2/xercesImpl-2.6.2.jar
[artifact:dependencies] Transferring 986K
[artifact:dependencies] An error has occurred while processing the Maven artifact tasks.
[artifact:dependencies]  Diagnosis:
[artifact:dependencies] Unable to resolve artifact: Error transferring file
[artifact:dependencies]   xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.6.2
[artifact:dependencies] from the specified remote repositories:
[artifact:dependencies]   central (
[artifact:dependencies] Path to dependency:
[artifact:dependencies]         1) org.appfuse:equinox:war:1.6
[artifact:dependencies]         2) jwebunit:jwebunit:jar:1.2
[artifact:dependencies]         3) xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.6.2
[artifact:dependencies] Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:


Posted by Bruno on March 01, 2006 at 09:13 AM MST #

Bruno - you may have to run it twice (or three times) to get all the dependencies downloaded. If that doesn't work - look in pom.xml for the <repositories> section - there's a mirror that's commented out that you should be able to use. Also, you can probably remove the displaytag repo as this artifact is now on ibiblio.

As far as a ready-to-go WAR, I've uploaded one for you. In case you haven't seen it, I also wrote a Jetspeed + Equinox howto a while back.

Posted by Matt Raible on March 01, 2006 at 11:21 AM MST #

Dear Matt <div class="comment"> Thank's for uploading the war file.
I changed it to work with MySQL and tried it locally. Works fine.
Now, I appended all the marks that you are describing in Jetspeed-Equinox (see above).

Sorry, where do I get the 'portals-bridges-jsf-1.0.jar', which includes the 'org.apache.portals.bridges.myfaces.FacesPortlet'?
I've got only this jar, that includes 'org.apache.portals.bridges.jsf.FacesPortlet'

Does anybody know where to download the right .jar?

Posted by Bruno on March 03, 2006 at 04:39 AM MST #

Correction ;-) Now, after a week on skis and have had my brain to air...
JSF-Equinox works quit fine in Jetspeed-2 Portal. Some issues are still open.
Important marks:
  • do not include 'portals-bridges-jsf-1.0.jar'
  • define 'org.apache.portals.bridges.myfaces.FacesPortlet' in porlet.xml as <portlet-class>
  • set 'factory.requestHelper=org.displaytag.portlet.PortletRequestHelperFactory' in
  • and follow the instructions of Matt (link above)
Open issues:
  • Exporting don't work. Response comes directly back to portlet and does not open a 'Save as' dialogue.
  • edit of a item from the list does not open userForm with item details filled. Edit not possible, only add of new item. (there is no error but empty input fields)
  • Sitemesh styling does not work. No styles or scripts are active. Think that something with the sitemesh filter does not work. For testing purpose, I manually inserted the following in userList.jsp
  <link href="${ctx}/styles/displaytag.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/scripts/prototype.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/scripts/scriptaculous.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/scripts/global.js"<>/script>
Now, I'm going ahead, news will be posted but any help would be appreciated.

Posted by Bruno on March 16, 2006 at 07:45 AM MST #

I am trying to replicate the myusers project as per the Spring Live book using equinox 1.6. I have been able to make the 'ant new' command work right away without any problems. I have upgraded some of the version of the libraries for example junit 3.8.1 to 3.8.2 and so on. Everything is fine except for I cannot for the life of me open the project in Eclipse. I have manually sorted out half of the 340 errors that were generated by importing in the correct jars. Surely there has to be a better way?

Posted by Surya on May 23, 2006 at 06:20 AM MDT #

Surya - have you tried downloading Maven 2 and running "mvn eclipse:eclipse"?

Posted by Matt Raible on May 23, 2006 at 06:24 AM MDT #

very good!

Posted by hubin on May 20, 2008 at 01:53 AM MDT #

hope to release more reference document

Posted by weixiaole on November 03, 2010 at 09:56 PM MDT #

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