Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

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The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

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Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

fValidate - a Kick-Ass JavaScript Validation Library

I found this gem from Ben Alex on the Spring Forums tonight. fValidate looks to be an awesome client-side validation library. If you do a view-source on the aforementioned page, you'll see that all the validation rules are specified in the "alt" attribute of input elements. Apparently this is XHTML valid. Since the current implementation of WebWork in AppFuse doesn't have client-side validation, I may have to hack something together tonight. From the looks of it, this will simply involve adding an "alt" attribute to the existing WebWork tags.

Later: I think I'll pass on the AppFuse/WebWork integration - it looks like a fair amount of work and I'd rather just get 1.6 finished and released.

Posted in Java at Oct 08 2004, 10:46:14 PM MDT 14 Comments

Resin slower than Tomcat, fails the AppFuse Test

As part of AppFuse 1.6, I was hoping to supply the option to use Resin instead of Tomcat. In reality, hardly anyone has asked for this on the mailing list - but since so many folks say that "Resin is better" - I figured I'd give it a whirl. I hate to be the guy that spoils all the Resin users mantra, but it seems like Tomcat is the better server. Why? Speed, compliance and shit works. Here are some things I found:

  • Server startup time when AppFuse is only app installed (deleted work directories before starting):
    • Resin: 25 seconds
    • Tomcat: 14 seconds
    I also found that Resin loads my StartupListener twice b/c it's defined in web.xml and XDoclet puts it in the generated TLD. I think the best solution is to add a flag to XDoclet to allow you to exclude listeners from the TLD when it's generated. I commented out the entry in web.xml for this test.
  • Running "ant test-canoo" which runs through all the JSPs using Canoo's WebTest (server already started):
    • Resin: 1st run (no compiled JSPs) - 53 seconds, 2nd run (compiled JSPs) - 24 seconds.
    • Tomcat: 1st run (no compiled JSPs) - 49 seconds, 2nd run (compiled JSPs) - 14 seconds.

I did have to hack a number of things to even run the tests (which verifies titles, success messages, etc.) on Resin. First of all, SiteMesh seems to puke with if you try to use <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> on the filter-mapping. I had to comment this out, resulting in a lots of HTML Tidy errors during the tests ( Error: <content> is not recognized!). I also had to turn off Resin's fast-jstl to bypass this bug. Finally, I had to revert the displaytag to using the non-EL version (which required changing titleKey -> title and name="${listName}" -> name="listName"). It seems that Resin enables EL even if you're using a 2.3 DTD. With Tomcat, and I believe the spec says this, EL is only enabled if you use a 2.4 XSD.

So there you have it folks, not only is Resin 3.0.9 slower than Tomcat 5.0.28 (JDK 1.4.2, Windows XP), but it's not standards compliant. Of course, the speed could be due to my using the open source version (with performance enhancements turned off) - but I'd think the other (albeit minor) stuff should be easy to fix. Everytime I try to use Resin, I end up finding bugs and going back to Tomcat. I guess this is another one of those days. I don't think I'll include a Resin installer as part of 1.6, but I might distribute one later if I can get these issues solved. I wonder if I should give Orion a run for its money?

P.S. Since I know people are going to ask: Tomcat 5.5.3 with JDK 5.0 took 9 seconds to startup. Running "test-canoo"? First run: 37 seconds, second: 14 seconds. Looks like the new compiler is quite a bit faster.

Posted in Java at Oct 07 2004, 07:13:09 PM MDT 24 Comments

The New Gig

I started a new gig on Monday. For the next 6 weeks or so I'll be helping Oak Grove Systems enhance their Reactor products. I'm excited about the opportunity. I was going to use Equinox to build the prototype (due Monday), but since the final product requires security and user management - AppFuse is a more logical choice. I'd like to use WebWork or Spring, but since Oak Grove's reference implementation of their portal framework uses Struts, it's probably wise that I do the same so they can maintain it easier.

I almost went to work full-time and in an office - but now that I've chosen to take a gig with 100% work-from-home, I'm pretty glad I did. It would be tough to give up the musing-blaring, 23" monitor environment I've grown to know and love. The new office later this month will make it even nicer. BTW, the house is coming along and we should move in in a couple of weeks. Here's some pics: view from front, view from back and inside view.

Posted in Java at Oct 07 2004, 10:02:11 AM MDT 4 Comments

Aren't out-of-container tests supposed to be faster?

Earlier this week, I converted my StrutsTestCase tests from using CactusStrutsTestCase to MockStrutsTestCase. At first, this seemed like a great thing - on my Windows XP box. To run all the tests in AppFuse, it takes around 2:20. I know, this is quite a bit of time for unit tests - but it was 3:15 in version 1.5. At least it's faster than it was. 1:20 of this is for starting Tomcat and running Canoo WebTests.

This all seemed great until I ran "ant test-all" on my PowerBook tonight. It averages around 7:00 minutes. WFT?! I know PowerBooks are slow - but they're not that slow. I'm guessing the reason is because Spring's ApplicationContext is loaded by each test - whereas the Cactus versions would always grab it out of the ServletContext. Sounds like I need a TestSuite.

What if I isolate and compare times for just the "test-web" target? This target runs all the Action, Filter and Listener tests. Time to execute on Windows: 33 seconds, PowerBook: 2 minutes 21 seconds. What about just testing the JSPs (with Cargo)? Windows: 1:24, PowerBook: 3:32. My Windows desktop has 1.5 GB RAM and a 2.6 GHz processor. My PowerBook has 1 GB RAM and 1.5 GHz. I agree that it seems like an unfair comparison - but AppFuse tests ran in around 4 minutes on the PowerBook in the last release. I guess it's back to the drawing board.

Update: Nevermind. I just downloaded and checked out AppFuse 1.5 - almost 8 minutes for running all the tests. If I were going to work on my PowerBook for my next project, I'd refactor AppFuse Managers and Actions to use jMock. Luckily I'm using my Windows machine. ;-)

Update 2: I found a solution! Using Ant 1.6.2's forkmode="once", I was able to reduce the time of the test-web target from 2:21 to 24 seconds on my PowerBook!! Windows: :33 -> :18. Running "ant test-all" on the Mac is now 2:15 - while the Windows version is 2:20.

WTF!? My PowerBook is actually faster than my Windows box? I never thought I'd see the day - Yeeee haaawwww!!

Now I just have to figure out how to detect 1.6.2 and warn users if they aren't using it.

Posted in Java at Oct 05 2004, 09:26:56 PM MDT 8 Comments

Resin now Open Source?

I noticed on the release notes for Resin 3.0.9 (released last Saturday) that they now have an open source (GPL) version.

Resin Open Source (GPL) - Contains all functional components of Resin, including EJB, but excludes performance and clustering capabilities.

Excludes performance capabilities? What does that mean - is it slow on purpose? ;-)

I was planning on looking at AppFuse on Resin again tonight and hopefully figure out a way to make it easy to setup/test/deploy on Resin instead of Tomcat. Since AppFuse currently works fine on Resin, this shouldn't be too hard. The hard part is going to be finding a non-obtrusive way to setup Resin.

With Tomcat, I can copy a couple JARs to $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and an appfuse.xml file to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost and the app is setup and ready to go. Better yet, I can use Tomcat's Ant tasks to deploy a WAR with an embedded context.xml file and it'll get copied to the appropriate location.

Is there a similar system that Resin allows? I know I can do the copy-JAR thing. However, the last time I checked, you had to manually edit the resin.conf file to import a <web-app> definition.

Posted in Java at Oct 05 2004, 04:03:36 PM MDT 7 Comments

Laszlo Goes Open Source

It's awesome to see that Laszlo has gone open source. The main reason I haven't dug into Macromedia's Flex is because it's $12K per CPU. I agree that this it's probably worth it if you're after a nice user experience - but most of my clients want open source, and only open source. It's tough to find folks that'll pay for JIRA even - if you can believe that.

With Lazlo going open source, it opens a whole new world for me. Now there's an opportunity to use this technology with clients. Of course, now I have learn the stuff so I can be productive enough to convince them to use it. I may even add a Lazlo front-end to AppFuse, but probably not until next year, after Tapestry and JSF. Hmmm, if JSF is really all that - can it render a Laszlo UI? That'd be wicked.

Posted in Java at Oct 05 2004, 09:32:06 AM MDT 14 Comments

Integrating WebWork into AppFuse

Last week was a busy one as I was trying to finish up AppFuse 1.6 before starting my new gig (more on that later). Most of this involved 1) integrating WebWork and 2) writing the Ant-based installer for replacing Struts with WebWork. I've worked with WebWork before, so this post is mostly an extension of that - as well as documentation on what I did so others can understand AppFuse+WebWork better. Below is a list of things I found.

  • WebWork's concept of "results" are very similar to Struts "action-forwards". However, they also allow you to chain to other actions and use expressions.
  • Implementing the ModelDriven interface in your Actions is a good idea, but it's not that great. I found that by simply using get/setUser(), I got the same functionality - except that I had to add "user." to all my form elements in my JSP. The advantage to doing things this way (over ModelDriven) is you can have an Action that services many objects. The main reason I'm not using ModelDriven is because the following tag doesn't render the label (it's just blank). Strangely enough, it renders just fine after validation fails.
    <ww:textfield label="getText('user.firstName')" name="'user.firstName'"
        value="user.firstName" required="true"/>
  • WebWork is similar to Tapestry in that they encourage you to specify i18n messages (properties files) on a per-action basis (Tapestry is per page). Some might think this is a good idea, but after using Struts and Spring, I'm used to using one ResourceBundle for everything. To migrate AppFuse from using 1 bundle to many bundles just for WebWork would've been a pain. Luckily, in WebWork 2.1, they added the ability to specify a custom bundle using "webwork.custom.i18n.resources=ApplicationResources" in I believe my issue with ModelDriven and labels is caused by this new feature.
  • The Spring-integration provided by SpringObjectFactory is quite nice. Unfortunately, client-side visitor validation doesn't work with it.
  • Unit-testing WebWork actions is easy, though it's kinda wierd to not send request parameters and such to set values (instead, you just set values directly on the Action).
  • I experimented with putting stuff on the stack and pulling it off in JSPs, but never got it to work quite right. After failing the 10 minute test, I decided to just put stuff in the request and get it working. Looking through the code now, there's only 3 places where I'm stuffing attributes into the request: 2 in FileUploadAction and 1 in ExceptionHandlerInterceptor.
  • With most frameworks I've used in the past, I rarely jumped into the source to try and see how things worked. Because of this, I rarely extended framework classes for my own use. However, with WebWork/XWork, I found it quite easy to dig in and extend the framework. Especially with Interceptors - which I dig.
  • Following up on Interceptors, I was able to easily create my own ValidationInterceptor that cancels validation on GET requests, and when cancel or delete is clicked.
  • Other interceptors that came in handy are a UserRoleAuthorizationInterceptor (which I borrowed from Spring) and an ExceptionHandlerInterceptor (which is modeled after Spring's SimpleMappingExceptionResolver). The 1st interceptor made it easy to mimic Struts' ability to declare a "roles" attribute on an action-mapping. The 2nd one allows you to map exceptions to results. This is something I was looking for when I first started using WebWork.
  • The "required" attribute in WebWork's JSP tags have nothing to do with validation, except that they add an asterisk to the field label. I'd rather this be integrated with validation - where an asterisk shows up when a field is "required" in its Action/POJO-validation.xml file.
  • I had a few other issues with validation: client-side validation shows one error at a time, client-side validation doesn't allow cancelling and field errors are displayed in a random order. If I were to start a project tomorrow that wanted WebWork with client-side validation, I'd probably try to integrate Commons Validator.
  • Testing Actions is easy, as it should be. Using Spring's Servlet API mocks made it easy to test Actions that used ServletActionContext to set cookies and other such request-related stuff.
  • I dig the rich set of form tags and it's great that these can be easily customized. I customized a few for AppFuse to make the syntax a bit more XHTML-compliant.
  • I'm a stickler for formatting and good-looking XHTML in JSPs. I try to keep lines less than 80 characters. Here's a comparison of the LOC required by the different frameworks for userForm.jsp:
    • Struts: 298
    • Spring: 319
    • WebWork: 186

All in all, I enjoyed working with WebWork and if given a choice of an AppFuse combination to use on my next project - it would probably be WebWork+Hibernate. If the client wanted client-side validation, I'd either integrate Commons Validator (which shouldn't be too hard) or use Spring+Hibernate. After using Spring and WebWork, which allow you to use your model objects directly in the view, it would be tough to go back to Struts. However, I still do know Struts better than the other two - so if I had a really tight deadline, that might be the smart way to go.

Posted in Java at Oct 04 2004, 08:17:37 AM MDT 2 Comments

[ANN] Cargo 0.2 Released

Download · Release Notes · Learn More · Project Weblog. I've been looking for something like Cargo for a while now - mainly so I could provide an easy way to test JSPs (and therefore the whole app) in-container. For the last couple of years, I've been using Cactus' <runservertests> task, but it requires you to configure your own startup and shutdown targets - which can be difficult for the different containers. Cargo makes this easy. So easy that I've added it as a topic to Chapter 8 of Spring Live. BTW, the MyUsers sample app shows you how to use jMock and Easy Mock for isolating Manager tests and Action/Controller tests - something that I might eventually move to with AppFuse.

In 1.5, AppFuse's build.xml is tightly coupled to Tomcat for running Cactus tests and Canoo WebTests. There are only a couple of Cactus tests in the Spring and WebWork versions - LoginServletTest and ActionFilterTest and I believe I can use Spring Mocks to refactor those and test them out-of-container.

Using Spring's ContextLoaderPlugin for Struts, I should be able start testing the Struts Actions using MockStrutsTestCase too. This means that the only in-container tests will be Canoo WebTests. As part of 1.6, hopefully you'll be able to run the "test-web" target sans container. Right now it sounds like quite a challenge, but being able to run Spring's Controllers and WebWorks Actions out-of-container is a really nice feature. Furthermore, removing Cactus as a dependency would open the doors for using JDK 5.0.

I'm also hoping to add support for switching containers - by running a simple script that nips and tucks the build.xml. For 1.6, I'll try to add an installer for Resin. If it's easy, I might take a stab at Jetty and Orion too.

Update: Cactus is gone - there's no need for it anymore as all actions/controllers, filters and listeners can be tested out-of-container. The best part is I didn't have to change any application code - just a few tests. Sweet!

Posted in Java at Oct 03 2004, 04:15:48 PM MDT 2 Comments

The Beauty of SiteMesh

I'm pumped that I recently switched from Tiles to SiteMesh in AppFuse. Not only was it easy to learn when I integrated it into Equinox, but it easy to replace Tiles with SiteMesh in AppFuse.

The best part of SiteMesh is once you have it setup and configured, you rarely have to muck with it again - it just works. In fact, it's so non-obtrusive that when I re-worked all AppFuse's tutorials last week, I was able to delete a whole tutorial. That's right folks, by removing Tiles and going with SiteMesh - the number of tutorials dropped from 5 to 4. Reduction in code and words needed to explain it is always a good thing.

Furthermore, SiteMesh continues to be evolving and getting better. Good stuff.

BTW, did you know you can use SiteMesh-style templates in your Roller blog? I'm using this feature on JRoller and it works great.

Posted in Java at Oct 03 2004, 11:39:38 AM MDT Add a Comment

AppFuse 1.6 almost done

I spent many hours and quite a few late nights this week working on AppFuse. It's funny how little sleep you can live on when you're working on something you're passionate about. There's only a few items left on the 1.6 roadmap, so I hope to do a release in the next week or so.

The major new feature in 1.6 is WebWork as a web framework choice. If you'd like to dig in and take AppFuse+WebWork for a test-drive, checkout AppFuse from CVS and execute "ant install-webwork". From there, the tutorials are a good place to start. The QuickStart Guide has more detailed instructions.

If you don't want to do the DAO and Manager stuff, and you'd rather just dig into WebWork, you can download the files from the first two tutorials and extract them into your project.

For a complete list of changes (so far) in 1.6, see the README.txt in CVS. You can also checkout the following demos:

I'll try to write up a detailed post about my WebWork experience in the next couple of days. In the meantime, let's just say I dig it.

Posted in Java at Oct 02 2004, 03:45:49 PM MDT 5 Comments