Happy New Year!!
May 2003 be the best yet and I hope all you java.bloggers either (1) invent some new cool way to do something, or (2) get your dream job. If you already have your dream job - congrats. Remember to spend more time with your kids if you have them, and to tell your wife (if you have one) that you love her. I'll be doing the same New Years Resolutions from years past - To Be Happy. Simple and absolutely the best one I can make come true.
Dave explains the history of Roller and how he started it all. Man - Dave had a a busy year eh? He brought new things into the world at an alarming rate - weblogging, Roller and Leo! ;-)
So, working in a vacuum without knowledge of weblogging, I invented weblogging. You know what I mean: I invented weblogging like Columbus discovered America. If you ignore the fact that indians, native americans, aztecs, etc. had been living in the Americans for thousands of years and had in fact built entire civilizations there, the statement 'Columbus discovered America' is a true one. So, I invented weblogging and now I'm in the process of pushing the aboriginal webloggers west and eventually into little reservations where they will no longer bother me with talk of <cite> tags, RSS 2.0, trackback, and other stuff that I will soon invent. This is totally fair of course, because I discovered weblogging.
There's lots of cool new features being developed for Hibernate. For a quick glimpse of new and future tools, check out the recently added Tools Road Map on Hibernate's Wiki. I believe the reason their site is so good is because their whole site is powered by a Wiki. Cool - maybe we should do this for Roller?
The Struts team is proud to announce the release of Struts 1.1 Beta 3. This release includes significant new functionality, while retaining full backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Struts. It also incorporates fixes for a number of bugs which were reported against earlier versions.
The binary distribution is available at:
and the source distribution is available at:
In addition, the library distibution, which contains updated binaries without the sample applications, is available at:
Details of the changes in this release are available in the Release Notes, which can be found here:
Sweet! Now I can stop downloading the nightly build for a while! Thanks Struts Developers - what a great New Years Eve present!