I discovered these by accident tonight. By holding down the "Apple" key (or whatever the hell its called) and pressing a number in Safari - it'll open that respective bookmark. So I have vi Reference as my first bookmark, and Apple is second. Apple+1 open vi reference, Apple+2 opens apple.com. Doubt I'll use it much, but interesting to know.
I received a barrage of porn comments in the last few hours, so I've disabled comments for a while. The sick part this incident is that someone actually spent the time to come to this site, click on "Add a Comment" and copy/paste the text. Sounds like it's time to record the IP address of commenters so we (as Roller users) can block them from commenting in the future. What a bunch of fuckwits.
This is nuts - I'm getting at least one call or e-mail per day from recruiters and/or friends in Denver. Rather than posting these positions here (with Rates), if you're a Senior J2EE Developer in Denver, let me know. I'm going to start a list of folks with skills like mine so I can hook some brutha's up! I have 2 right now - both for J2EE/Web stuff.
Here are my requirements to get on my list:
- Must know Ant, meaning you've written a build.xml file before. Having read Java Development with Ant is a huge plus.
- Blogging is a plus - it means you're interested in Java and sharing your ideas (implying that you think outside of work).
- You've used Eclipse or IDEA and use one or the other on a regular basis. This implies that you know a good IDE can improve your productivity.
- Must know XHTML and CSS. I do, and I said skills like mine.
- You're able to checkout AppFuse from CVS, build it and run "test-all" with success. README.txt is your friend.
I reserve the right to delete any of your e-mails and resumes, and to hook my friends up over other folks. I don't want to get a flood of e-mails, I'm just trying to hook up good folks with good jobs. If I can get the rates, I'll let you know what they are.