Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

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The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

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Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

AppFuse Refactorings Part IV: Replacing Hibernate with iBATIS

This is a continuing series on what I'm doing to make AppFuse a better application in Winter/Spring 2004. Previous titles include: Changing the Directory Structure, Spring Integration and Remember Me refactorings.

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On my last project, we ported an existing JSP/Servlet/JDBC app to use JSP/Struts/iBATIS. In the process, I got to learn a lot about iBATIS and grew to love the framework (although I prefer to spell it iBatis). It was super easy to port the existing JDBC-based application because all of the SQL was already written (in PreparedStatements). Don't get me wrong, I think Hibernate is the better O/R Framework of the two, but iBATIS works great for existing databases. The best part is that iBATIS is just as easy to code as Hibernate is. For example, here's how to retrieve an object with Spring/Hibernate:

List users =
    getHibernateTemplate().find("from User u where u.username=?", username);

And with Spring/iBATIS, it requires a similar amount of Java code:

List users = getSqlMapTemplate().executeQueryForList("getUser", user);

The main difference between the two is that iBATIS uses SQL and Hibernate uses a mapping file. Here's the "getUser" mapped statement for iBATIS:

  <mapped-statement name="getUser" result-class="org.appfuse.model.User">
      SELECT * FROM app_user WHERE username=#username#;

Spring makes it super easy to configure your DAOs to use either Hibernate or iBATIS. For Hibernate DAOs, you can simply extend HibernateDaoSupport and for iBATIS DAOs you can extend SqlMapDaoSupport.

Now to the point of this post: How I replaced Hibernate with iBATIS. The first thing I had to do was write the XML/SQL mapping files for iBATIS. This was actually the hardest part - once I got the SQL statements right, everything worked. One major difference between iBATIS and Hibernate was I had to manually fetch children and manually create primary keys. For primary key generation, I took a very simple approach: doing a max(id) on the table's id and then adding 1. I suppose I could also use the RandomGUID generator - but I prefer Longs for primary keys. Hibernate is pretty slick because it allows easy mapping to children and built-in generation of primary keys. The ability to generate the mapping file with XDoclet is also a huge plus.

As far as integrating iBATIS into AppFuse, I created an installer in contrib/ibatis. If you navigate to this directory (from the command line), you can execute any of the following targets with Ant. It might not be the most robust installer (it'll create duplicates if run twice), but it seems to work good enough.

                install: installs iBatis into AppFuse
              uninstall: uninstalls iBatis from AppFuse
    uninstall-hibernate: uninstalls Hibernate from AppFuse

                   help: Print this help text.

All of these targets simply parse, build.xml and properties.xml to add/delete iBATIS stuff or delete Hibernate stuff. They also install/remove JARs and source .java and .sql files. If you're going to run this installer, I recommend running "ant install uninstall-hibernate". Of course, you can also simply "install" it and then change the dao.type in properties.xml. This will allow you to use both Hibernate and iBATIS DAOs side-by-side. To use both Hibernate and iBATIS in an application, you could create an applicationContext-hibatis.xml file in src/dao/org/appfuse/persistence and change the dao.type to be hibatis (like that nickname ;-). In this file, you'd have to then define your transactionManager and sqlMap/sessionFactory. I tested this and it works pretty slick. Click here to see my applicationContext-hibatis.xml file.

Some things I noticed in the process of developing this:

  • Running "ant clean test-dao" with iBATIS (28 seconds) is a bit faster than Hibernate (33 seconds). I'm sure if I optimized Hibernate, I could make these numbers equal.
  • The iBATIS install is about 500K, whereas Hibernate's JARs are around 2 MB. So using iBATIS will get you a slightly faster and smaller AppFuse application, but it's a bit harder to manipulate the database on the fly. There's no way of generating the tables/columns with iBATIS. Instead it uses a table creation script - so if you add new persistent objects, you'll have to manually edit the table creation SQL.

Hibernate is still the right decision for me, but it's cool that iBATIS is an option. Even cooler is the fact that you can mix and match Hibernate and iBATIS DAOs.

Posted in Java at Feb 11 2004, 10:09:23 PM MST 10 Comments

[ANN] Spring 1.0 RC1 Released

Download or read the (rather long) set of release notes. The good thing is that all tests pass with AppFuse - so that seems like a good release to me! You can also read a condensed version of the release notes.

Posted in Java at Feb 11 2004, 05:15:33 PM MST Add a Comment

[DJUG] Hibernate and Jabber Tonight

Tonight's Denver JUG should be good. The basic concepts meeting is on Hibernate and the main show is on Jabber: XMPP and Jabber Streaming Objects library. Nice! It's snowing like the dickens right now so getting there might be tough. Good thing I live close to downtown! The meeting is actually located in the same building where Julie works.

Update: Tonight's meeting was pretty good, but kinda boring. I didn't learn anything new in the Hibernate session - but I did see Chris do a lot of stuff via command line (vs. Ant). I do everything in Ant, so I was again able to see the beauty of Ant and Hibernate's <schemaexport> task.

The Jabber talk was interesting but dry - probably because Peter and Matt didn't have a presentation or agenda for the meeting. Rather, they just stood up and talked about Jabber and its XMPP Protocol. From what they said, Jabber's streaming XML protocol is being used for a lot of things besides Instant Messaging. It's biggest feature seems to be presence - the ability to know when someone (or something) is online. For using Jabber in your Java applications, you might want to look at Matt's JSO Project. While I'm at it, I might as well mention my article describing how to setup a Jabber Server.

Posted in Java at Feb 11 2004, 03:58:16 PM MST Add a Comment

Where do you put your extensions in a CVS tree?

AppFuse Directory Structure Now that I'm starting to add extensions to AppFuse, where should I put them in the source tree? I followed the Jakarta convention and put the ibatis install in the contrib folder, but I don't know if that's the best place for it. All the tools folder has in it is Erik Hatcher's StrutsGen tool - maybe that's a good place for all the extensions (ibatis, spring, webwork, tapestry)? Whaddya think? Where do you put extensions in your source tree?

Posted in Java at Feb 11 2004, 10:54:43 AM MST 1 Comment