[ANN] Cargo 0.1 Released
Vincent Massol has released Cargo 0.1 - an open source project to start/stop and configure Java containers. I'm using its Ant tasks in Spring Live's sample app in conjuction with jWebUnit and Canoo's WebTest and it works great. Here's some sample code:
<target name="test-web" depends="war" description="Runs tests that required a running server"> <taskdef resource="cargo.tasks" classpathref="classpath"/> <cargo-tomcat5x homeDir="${tomcat.home}" output="${test.dir}/cargo.log" workingDir="${test.dir}/tomcat5x" action="start"> <war warFile="${dist.dir}/${webapp.name}.war"/> </cargo-tomcat5x> <property name="testcase" value="WebTest"/> <antcall target="test"/> </target>
Read more about Cargo's beginnings on TheServerSide.com. This initial version provides:
- A Java API to:
- Start containers
- Stop containers
- Configure containers for deployment in any user-specified directory
- Wait for containers to be started
- Wait for containers to be stopped
- Supports WAR and EAR static deployments
- Ant tasks that wraps the Java API
Good stuff - thanks Vincent!