Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Appcelerator with Matt Quinlan

This evening I attended the Denver Open Source User Group meeting where the Basic Concepts talk was on Appcelerator. Matt Quinlan (Twitter, Blog, LinkedIn) was the presenter. I arrived 10 minutes late, so I didn't hear any of the intro stuff. Below are my notes from the event.

The Appcelerator developers liked the "onclick" syntax, but found it was too limited to do everything they wanted. Rather than onclick, they use an on attribute. For example:

<div on="click then">
Click me

"DOM Manipulation is JavaScript cruft."

Appcelerator allows you to implement the Observer pattern in the browser. In addition to allowing DOM elements to subscribe to messages, server-side objects (in any language) can subscribe as well. In Appcelerator syntax "l:" means local and "r:" means remote. The messages that are passed to the server are JSON and have payloads. JSON is more popular than XML because you can eval() it and create JavaScript objects from it. Appcelerator allows you to do Declarative Ajax. On the server-side, you can annotation Java and C# classes with @Service to subscribe to messages. In other languages (i.e. PHP), Javadoc-style comments are used.

Tagline: The seamless fusion of RIA and SOA.

Web Expression Language
Goal is to eliminate 90% of the JavaScript you write. Example syntax:

on="[condition] then [action]"

Conditions include DOM events (click, focus, blur, change, mouse events), key events (up, down, press), other (history, drag/drop, selected, resize, iPhone orient, sortXYZ), subscribe to custom message. Actions include Scriptaculous effects (show/hide, fade, move, drop, grow), set element value (static, dynamic, bind), set CSS class or attribute, execute custom JavaScript, publish custom message.

Now Matt is doing a demo on This site consists of a form that allows you to type in Appcelerator code and run it. 3 attributes can be added to any tag: draggable, droppable and resizeable.

Add simple tags to your HTML to inject RIA widgets. Add single property to existing HTML elements for dynamic behavior. Eclipse Plugin built on Aptana, but is generally targeted towards web developers moreso than business analysts (no drag and drop of widgets).

Server-side development done with your IDE of choices. Based on your server-side tehchnology platform. Easily create services using annotations.

App Command
The app command is similar to Rails' GEM command. Allows you to build scaffolding and deploy to cloud (AppEngine, Amazon S3). It also allows you to pulldown components from the main server and auto-updating.


Appcelerator allows you to create prototypes easily by using a JavaScript file with mocks for the server-side objects. In the next version, you can "annotate" the UI and allow end-users to Ctrl+Click on elements and add feedback. For an example of this, see

When starting with Appcelerator, you can start by crawling (including appcelerator.js for widgets) then move to walking (decouple server-side and client-side) and finally running (developing working prototypes with mocks for server-side).

"Let's face it, ASP, JSP, PHP and Ruby are just lipstick on CGI."

Posted in Open Source at Oct 07 2008, 07:08:19 PM MDT 5 Comments

Xebia RIA Framework Contest

Last year, I blogged about the Xebia Web Framework Contest where Struts 2, GWT, Wicket and MyFaces (JSF) were all used to develop the same applications. It seems they've done it again this year, comparing RIA frameworks (English translation) this time.

Five teams were formed, five frameworks have been selected:

  • Flex 3 Flex 3
  • Silverlight 2.0 beta 2 Silverlight 2.0 beta 2
  • Google GWT 1.5 Google GWT 1.5
  • Echo3 Echo3
  • JavaFX Preview SDK JavaFX SDK Preview

The number of teams is limited, the list of frameworks is also selected, and we have therefore necessarily set aside some frameworks that would have certainly had their place in the contest. Examples Ext JS, Yahoo! UI, Curl, XUL, ZK or OpenLaszlo. If you have experience on one of these frameworks, feel free to share in the comments on this article! [Read More »]

The winner? Flex - which doesn't surprise me a whole lot.

After this day, the Flex team, has clearly demarcated from its competitors. After two sprints of development and ownership, it could devote the third and final sprint to get rich quick and easy application, focusing only on the features and user experience. It is thanks to the wealth of high-level components, the wealth of documentation available and a maturity framework that the team has made the Flex application's most successful.

Good stuff - thanks Xebia!

Posted in Java at Oct 07 2008, 08:06:48 AM MDT 1 Comment

Ajaxified Body: Now with Back Button and Bookmarking Support

I uploaded a new version of Ajaxified Body to its demo site a few minutes ago. Changelog:

Added RSH for history and bookmarking and changed to use Prototype and Scriptaculous from Google's CDN.

I found Really Simple History easy to use but poorly documented. Brad Neuberg's AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons article was the one that got me over the learning curve. Hat tip to Ignacio for the RSH suggestion.

Let me know if you see any issues or have suggestions for improvement.

Posted in Java at Oct 07 2008, 12:14:00 AM MDT 4 Comments