I found this by way of Ben Hammersley's post. You can adjust the transparency of your terminal window - VERY cool in my book.
Open a terminal window and write this:
defaults write com.apple.terminal TerminalOpaqueness .4
Hit return, and then close and reopen the terminal window. Adjust the number to taste. Mmmmm
I ordered my copy on Wednesday evening from Mac Warehouse. I saved $30, but I'll have to wait until next week sometime to get it. Russell Beattie showed me how Ben reacted to his new addition.
Ben Hammersley just got OSX 10.2 Jaguar in this morning, he's very excited about it.
I'm excited to get it b/c I think it's a cool new OS, and I've always been upgrade happy. My biggest reason is probably b/c I'm hoping for some more speed. I bought a Powerbook G4 last Christmas with 766 Mhz and 1 Ghz of RAM, and it's a lot slower than I expected.
I can wait b/c I only use my Mac for about 8 minutes each day. I've tried to move from Windows XP to OS X and Red Hat 7.3, but I just can't seem to do it. The reason? I like the speed and the applications for XP. And my XP box has 1/2 the RAM as my OS X laptop. Also, since I've been a Windows user my whole life, the whole 1-button mouse is annoying (and it still annoys me, especially when you can plugin an external mouse and get 2-button functionality). I know about the Ctrl-click thing, but I've always been about speed and efficiency...