Struts-JSF Demo
I've setup another demo - this time it's the struts-example app ported to use JSF and Struts. Nothing ground breaking here that I can tell, and after looking at the code, I don't know what to think of JSF. It seems to make it much harder to code a JSP page.
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="" %> <f:use_faces> <s:html locale="true"> <head> <title>< <s:message key="registration.title.edit"/> </title> <s:base/> <s:stylesheet path="/stylesheet.css"/> </head> <body bgcolor="white"> <s:errors/> <s:form action="/saveRegistration" focus="username" onsubmit="return validateRegistrationForm(this);"> <h:input_hidden id="action" modelReference="registrationForm.action"/> <h:panel_grid columns="2" panelClass="form-background" headerClass="form-header" columnClasses="form-prompt,form-field"> . . .
Ugh, a whole new set of Tag Libraries to learn? Seems like JSF is a lot of bloat, while JSP 2.0 has been made things simpler. One interesting thing is the use of the single-letter (i.e. "h", "s") for the tag libraries. I suggested this a while ago on the struts-dev list, and it looks like it's been implemented. Bravo! I doubt I'm the reason for it, but it's always nice to see your ideas implemented.
I apologize that this site was down most of the day today. It seems that the monitoring/restarting scripts were not running and this should/will be fixed shortly. I need a gig where I can restart this site when it goes down. Anyone know of a way to telnet/ssh via an HTTP Proxy?