MySQL Conference - Day 1
I'm sitting in the lobby of the MySQL Conference right now, next to Mr. Eden. He's been blogging this conference like a madman, so there's not reason for me to reproduce. See his posts if you're interested to see what's happening here: Registration and Opening Keynote, MySQL/Innodb Performance and J2EE Performance Tuning Workshop.
I attended the Keynote this morning, which was very informative. I didn't know that MySQL was being used so heavily in large enterprise environments. Moreover, there was an interesting slide that showed a performance comparison between MySQL (4.0.1 Max) and Oracle (9i), IBM DB2 (7.2), SQL Server (2000 SP2), Sybase (12.5). MySQL actually kept in step with Oracle in a 50 million row test - and beat the rest of the competition. Who says MySQL is only for small shops! ;-) I could give you the whole history of MySQL (I wrote it down), but I really don't the point. I'll add it here if I get enough requests. The big theme of the conference is definitely clustering.
After the keynote, I went upstairs and crashed. I was up until 3 a.m. last night fixing Ant support in Eclipse. Now you can run Ant (i.e. test-dao) or individual tests (i.e. LookupDAOTest) in Eclipse or IDEA.
As part of this process, I removed the entity includes I was using for Spring's XML files. Now each file is loaded individually in tests and web.xml is configured to load them all. It seems a bit cleaner after making the change.
Also, I tried to change to using "mappingJarLocations" for .hbm.xml file mappings. This would enable
users to skip the step where they write the .hbm.xml file into applicationContext-hibernate.xml.
Unfortunately, this works for everything but running Ant in Eclipse. WTF?! I guess the project's home
directory is not the working directory in Eclipse. And finally - a warning: if you want to run JUnit tests in your IDE, you need to run "ant test-dao" (or another one) before running your test. It's not thoroughly tested since I run all my stuff from the command-line, but it's there. I definitely recommend using Ant in your IDE if you really want to use your IDE for everything.
The "Opening Night Reception" is about to begin - time to go get some free booze.
Update: I just got an e-mail on how to fix the Eclipse issue when using "mappingJarLocations". In Eclipse's Ant View right-click on a target, pull up the "Run Ant..." dialog. From there there you can set the "Base Directory:" to something like "${workspace_loc:/appname}". Tried that - doesn't work. :(