This evening, I met up with Dion, Christian and Bruce at the Rock Bottom Brewery. Topics discussed: OSCON, JavaOne, WebSphere, AOP, JBoss, Geronimo, Spring, Struts, SourceBeat, OpenLogic, TSS, ThoughtWorks, Ant, Maven, Digital Globe (of course), staying up late, getting up early and writing. Good stuff - thanks gents.

Because I didn't have a DVI Video card for my Windows or Linux boxes, I've been working all week on my PowerBook with my new kick-ass 23" monitor. I'm in love.
It's actually changed my whole perspective. The whole machine actually seems faster. I can see so much fricken' stuff on the screen that I never close anything anymore. The bad part? Now that I'm enjoying OS X so much, I can tell I'm going to have to buy a dual G5. Probably not this year (I have to pay off my monitor loan first), but it's definitely in my future.