We're getting ready to put the app I developed into production and we're facing an interesting issue. This app is designed to be a simple interface for mapping an "attribute value" from one system to another system. Currently, we do this with SQL in our dev database, and then copy these tables' data to production when we deploy.
However, with this application, we now have the ability to push out the "mapping responsibility" to our users. The problem is that if our users enter the data in production, we have to figure out a way to synch between dev and prod. We constantly need to enter our own mappings in while we're developing - so there's always going to be data entered in both dev and prod databases.
Is it possible to share the same sequence tables b/w Oracle instances and use triggers to do a second insert into dev when someone does something in prod (or vise versa)? I suppose a manual solution is possible - where we make sure and enter values into prod when we enter them into dev, but that's just ugly.
Update: TheServerSide has additional coverage of this topic.
I bought the appfuse.org domain name sometime last year. I haven't done anything with it for the most part and I've just pointed it to this site. It's amazing how many people actually use it - it's my 4th largest referrer! The demo site I have at Kattare (demo.raibledesigns.com) has a whole slew of demos installed on it, so I contacted Keith (at kgbinternet.com) to set me up a new domain for AppFuse-only demos. These can now be found at http://demo.appfuse.org or by clicking on of the URLs below.
The site is currently running AppFuse 1.8 with JDK 5 and Tomcat 5.5.7.
The "Issues" link on this site won't work yet - I'm in the process of setting up JIRA at http://issues.appfuse.org. Hopefully we'll have it done sometime this week. Contegix has been gracious enough to offer free hosting of AppFuse's JIRA instance.
Update: AppFuse's JIRA is now up. Thanks again to Atlassian for a great product and to Contegix for hosting it. The quick installation and support from Contegix has been outstanding.
I think I've hit a point where I don't care about the latest and great techo-gadget anymore. Maybe it's just a phase, but nothing out there really excites me right now. I've never been into video games - they're too much of a productivity black hole and I know I'd be the type that'd stay up until 4 a.m. playing the latest XBox game. Therefore, I don't go there. PSP, XBox, etc. don't excite me b/c I'm fully aware of their addictiveness.
The other gadget I've often loved in the past is having a fancy bluetooth phone. Sure it's cool when combined with a PowerBook for synching and browsing the internet, but I've come to the conclusion that I don't need one. Maybe it's because I lost it in California last week and haven't missed it one bit. Cell phones - blaahhh - who needs them?
Lastly, there's the new OS X. I'm fully aware that someday I'll be enthusiastic about it, but right now I just don't care. I think it's because I've given up using my slow-ass PowerBook for the most part. I used it for 3 months at my current project and have since switched to a much faster Windows desktop. I've come to realize a couple of things about my PowerBook: 1) the slow problem is more a personal issue than a computer issue - I develop faster on Windows and 2) I enjoy a desktop much more than a laptop - where there's a real keyboard and mouse. If Apple will get off their ass and make a fast PowerBook, I'll get off mine and pony up for a keyboard and mouse. If there's not a dual core G4 or a PowerBook G5 this summer, I just might have to get a PowerMac G5.
Hmmm, I just went to the Apple Store to link to the G5 and there's a "We'll be back soon" sign. This implies a major announcement today. It is Tuesday...