Bike to Work Day
It's another Bike to Work Day in Denver and I'm missing two key ingredients: a bike and an office to ride into. It's funny to look back at last year and see that my first day with OpenLogic was Bike to Work Day. This year, I'm again starting a new gig and working from home (much like last June). The good news is we'll be moving into fancy new offices (in the swanky Tabor Center) at the beginning of July.
I've been looking at new bikes, but haven't bought one yet because I'm going to be traveling so much in the next couple of weeks. NYC this weekend (wedding), San Francisco next week, followed by a week of vacation at the cabin in Montana. It'll be pretty cool to come back from that and move into my new office at Virtuas (yeah, a *real* office with a window seat!). I'll likely be forced to buy a bike then - driving to work in the summertime just isn't right.