Equinox: the name conflicts with an Eclipse project
I just received the following e-mail from an anonymous user via my contact page.
You might have already heard, but the Eclipse guys have started a new project also called Equinox, which is their implementation of the OSGi framework (which is my first choice for building modular enterprise apps these days). http://www.eclipse.org/equinox Not sure who had the name first, but I can see this getting more confusing as both products continue to gain mindshare and blog coverage.
First of all, I am aware of this thanks to Euxx. I don't know which project started first, but Google still seems to prefer mine over Eclipse's. Eclipse's Equinox project is #46 when searching for equinox, while mine is up to #9.
If I could think of a better name, I'd change. However, being #9 on Google makes it pretty tempting to keep the "Equinox" name.