Peter Schneider-Manzell has been busy lately. He's written a bunch of new AppFuse tutorials:
Great stuff Peter - thanks for taking the time to put these together!
In related news, we've started an AppFuse Frappr group - if you're an AppFuse user, make sure and sign up.
David Heinemeier Hansson in MacBook Pro: So fast, oh, so fast:
The MacBook just feels freaking fast.
The MacBook Pro simply rocks.
Rob Williams in Eclipse on MacBook Pro:
First off, this machine is very fast. It is like having a G5 laptop. Apple says 4x over the G4. I was kind of skeptical about that. Not anymore.
Mine is due to arrive Friday morning at 10:30. Unlike everyone that compares their new MacBook to their old PowerBook - I'll be comparing mine to my dual core AMD 64 with 3GB of RAM. The MacBook is likely to lose, but it should put things in a more realistic perspective. Especially since I continue to use Windows and OS X an equal amount.
Thursday, 8:30 AM: From Fedex Tracking: 7:50 AM | On FedEx vehicle for delivery | LITTLETON, CO. Sweet! Looks like I'm going to have to ride into work a bit late.
Thursday, 9:30 AM: It's here! I'm heading into work with both machines to build it - so I probably won't have any benchmarks until this afternoon. I forget the initial steps to get the best battery life - anyone got those handy. As Julie said a few minutes ago, "No Wheelies!"
Alex Russell: "It's a cock tease in the form of a laptop."
Adam Winer:
JSF is not perfect, nor the greatest thing since sliced bread. There, I said it!
What bugs me most (and remember, I'm still a big fan) is that JSF was supposed to be really easy-to-use. But the reality isn't quite so sweet.
Adam goes on to explain a few of his pet peeves with JSF. He also asks "What are your biggest JSF usability concerns?" If you're using JSF and experiencing usability issues, now's the time to speak up.