Equinox (a.k.a. AppFuse Light) 1.7 Released!
This release's major new features are upgrading to Spring 2.0, Hibernate 3.2, an Ajax +
Spring MVC version, an Acegi Security + Spring MVC version and Struts 2.0 as an optional
web framework. It's highly likely that the "extras/security" package can be installed with
other web frameworks, but it's only been tested with Spring MVC. Furthermore, this release
provided all of the different combinations that Equinox provides - all 50 of them!
All of the frameworks used in Equinox, as well as most of its build/test system is
explained in Spring Live. A summary
of the changes are below (detailed release notes can be found in JIRA):
- Added extras/spring-ajax with examples of ajaxified displaytag (with AjaxAnywhere), in-place editing (Script.aculo.us), in-page updates (DWR) and lightbox (Lightbox gone Wild) popups.
- Added extras/security with Acegi Security integration for authentication and authorization.
- Automated creation and testing of all possible combinations for distribution.
- Converted from JSP to Facelets for JSF/MyFaces option.
- Integrated Ajax4JSF into JSF/MyFaces option.
- Added Struts 2.0.1 as web framework.
- Upgraded to Spring 2.0, including improved XML syntax and JSP Form Tags
- Added Cargo settings to pom.xml so it's possible to run web tests from Maven.
- Changed dataSource bean to use a connection pool.
- Added popup calendar (using jscalendar) to Spring MVC and Struts 2.
- Added OpenSessionInViewFilter for Hibernate and OpenPersistenceManagerInViewFilter for JDO/JPOX.
- Fixed foreign-language encoding issues with Spring's CharacterEncodingFilter.
- Changed from DAO to Dao to be more consistent with other projects.
- Dependent packages upgraded:
- Canoo WebTest 1393
- Cargo 0.8
- Commons Validator 1.3.0
- DWR 1.1.1
- FreeMarker 2.3.8
- jMock 1.1.0
- JPOX 1.1.1
- Hibernate 3.2
- MyFaces 1.1.4
- Spring 2.0
- Spring Modules Validation 0.5
- Struts 1.2.9
- Tapestry 4.0.2
- WebWork 2.2.4
- Dependent packages added:
- Acegi Security 1.0.2
- Ajax4JSF 1.0.2
- AjaxAnywhere 1.2-rc2
- Facelets 1.1.11
- Struts 2.0.1
Download. For more information about installing the various options, see the README.txt file.
Thanks to all the users of Equinox for making this a great release!
P.S. I'm fully aware that this project's name conflicts with an Eclipse project.