Heading to Steamboat
In a few hours, we'll be packing up the kids and heading up to Steamboat for our Christmas Vacation. The forecast looks excellent for skiing - it's snowed 14" on Thursday and there's a chance it'll snow tomorrow as well. I hit up some killer deals at the local ski shops today and managed to get a new coat and pants for $100, as well as some nice new boots. I even bribed the guys at Colorado Ski and Golf for a quick tune. I'm ready for a great week of skiing. With any luck, we'll be able to teach the kids how to ski too.
I'm taking my laptop, but I don't expect to do any blogging. Hopefully you won't hear from me for another week. Happy Holidays everyone!
P.S. I've posted the status on 2.0 to the AppFuse mailing list. Please post any questions or comments on AppFuse 2.0 to that thread.