I love how easy it is to start new projects these days. It was very difficult when I started creating AppFuse way back in 2002. We've come a long way baby!
Here's a couple of easy ways to get started with Flex and Grails:
I hope to develop with Flex, Grails, GWT or YUI + Struts 2 in the next 6 months. These seem like the most exciting technologies for Java web development in 2008.
Ted Husted has been working on a draft specification for "Heuristic Request/Response Mappings", based on technologies used by Rails, Struts 2 and Stripes.
The central idea is that instead of creating explicit mappings, the
framework applies a series of heuristic transformations to match a URI
with a code component and a view component.
The first part of the draft is available here:
* http://code.google.com/p/web-alignment-group/wiki/WAG_RFC_001
Before doing any more work on the description, I'd be very interested
on feedback as to whether I'm making any sense, or whether the draft
has turned into opaque gibberish :)
If you're developing a web framework (in any language) and use conventions to auto-map URLs-to-controllers and controllers-to-views, it'd be great to hear your feedback on this draft. It'd be pretty cool if you could switch frameworks/languages and use the same conventions across the board.