Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Testing GWT Libraries with Selenium and Maven

On Tuesday, I wrote about Running Hosted Mode in GWT Libraries. Today I added an additional module to our project to run Selenium tests against our GWT library. In the process, I discovered some things I needed to modify in my GWT library's pom.xml. I'm writing this post so others can use this setup to write GWT libraries and package them for testing with Selenium.

First of all, I noticed that when you're using the GWT Maven Plugin with a JAR project, it doesn't automatically run gwt:compile or gwt:test in the compile and test phases. I had to explicitly configure the compile goal to run in the compile phase. I also had to add <webappDirectory> to the configuration to compile the JavaScript files into the war directory.


To package the generated JavaScript and index.html in the JAR, I added the following <resources> section to the maven-resources-plugin configuration I mentioned in my previous post.


In addition, I discovered some javax.servlet.* classes in my JAR after running "mvn package". I believe this is caused by the GWT plugin sucking these in when it compiles my ProxyServlet. I excluded them by adding the maven-jar-plugin.


After doing this, I was able to publish my JAR with all the contents I needed to run Selenium tests against it.

Testing the GWT Library with Selenium
The module that contains the Selenium tests is a WAR project that uses war overlays, Cargo and Selenium RC. You can read about the Maven setup I use for running Selenium tests in Packaging a SOFEA Application for Distribution.

The major difference when testing a JAR (vs. a WAR), is I had to use the maven-dependency-plugin to unpack the JAR so its contents would get included in the WAR for testing. Below is the configuration I used to accomplish this:


Hopefully this will help you develop GWT libraries and run Selenium tests against them. If you have any suggestions for simplifying this configuration, please let me know.

NOTE: I did considering a couple of other options for running Selenium tests against our GWT library:

  1. Add something to the existing project that 1) creates a WAR and 2) fires up Cargo/Selenium in a profile to test it.
  2. Create the tests in a GWT (war) project that includes widgets from the library.

I decided on the solution documented above because it seemed like the best option.

Posted in Java at Nov 04 2009, 10:09:27 PM MST 2 Comments

A Letter to the AppFuse Community

The last AppFuse release was way back in May 2008. Many folks have asked when the next release would be ever since. Often, I've said "sometimes this quarter", but obviously, that's never happened. For that, I apologize.

There are many reasons I haven't worked on AppFuse for the past 18 months, but it mostly comes down to the fact that I didn't make time for it. The good news is I'm working on it again and will have a release out sometime this month. Unfortunately, it probably won't be a 2.1 final release, but there's so many things that've changed, I feel like a milestone release is a good idea. Here's a brief summary of changes so far:

  • Changed archetypes to include all source and tests for the "webapp" portion of the application. No more warpath plugin, merging wars and IDE issues. Using "mvn jetty:run" should work as expected.
  • Moved from Spring XML to Annotations.
  • AppFuse Light converted to Maven modules and now depends on AppFuse's backend.
  • Published easier to use archetype selection form in the QuickStart Guide.
  • Published archetype selection form for AppFuse Light. I do plan on combining these forms as soon as I figure out the best UI and instructions for users to choose AppFuse or AppFuse Light.
  • Upgraded all libraries to latest released versions (Spring 3 hasn't had a final release yet).
  • Upgraded to Tapestry 5 thanks to Serge Eby. I still need to complete tests and code generation for tests.
  • Added Compass support thanks to a patch from Shay Banon.
  • Upgraded from XFire to CXF for Web Services.
  • Moved Maven repository to Sonatype's OSS Repository Hosting for snapshots and releasing to Maven Central. There are no longer any AppFuse-specific artifacts, all are available in central.

I realize there's many full-stack frameworks that do the same thing as AppFuse with less code. Examples include Ruby on Rails, Grails, Seam, Spring Roo and the Play framework. However, there seems to be quite a few folks that continue to use AppFuse and it stills serves the community as a nice example of how to integrate frameworks. Furthermore, it helps me keep up with the latest framework releases, their quirks and issues that happen when you try to integrate them. In short, working on it helps me stay up to speed with Java open source frameworks.

For those folks that like the 1.x, Ant-based version of AppFuse, there will not be a 1.9.5 release. I know I promised it for years, but it's simply something I will not use, so I'd rather not invest my time in it. I'm sorry for lying to those that expected it.

So what's the future of AppFuse? Will it continue to integrate web frameworks with Spring and popular persistence frameworks? Possibly, but it seems more logical to align it with the types of Ajax + REST applications I'm creating these days. I'm currently thinking AppFuse 3.0 would be nice as a RESTful backend with GWT and Flex UIs. I might create the backend with CXF, but it's possible I'd use one of the frameworks mentioned above and simply leverage it to create the default features AppFuse users have come to expect.

More than anything, I'm writing this letter to let you know that the AppFuse project is not dead and you can expect a release in the near future.

Thanks for your support,


Posted in Java at Nov 04 2009, 12:17:17 AM MST 44 Comments