Ant colored logging on Windows
In the past, I've had issues getting Ant's AnsiColorLogger to work on Windows with Cygwin. Thanks to a friend of mine, Steve DeRidder, I was finally able to figure out a working solution. Here's what you need to do if you're using Cygwin.
Install the "rxvt" component of Cygwin through its update tool. Once you've done that, there are two options for integration:
- Right-click context menu: Download rxvt_reg.reg to your hard drive. Edit it with a text editor to point to your Cygwin installation and save it. Then right click on the file and "merge" it into your registry.
- Shortcut: Create a new shortcut with the following command (all on one line, adjust your Cygwin path accordingly):
C:\Tools\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -bg white -fg black -sr -sl 5000 -fn "Fixedsys" -ls -e /usr/bin/bash --login -c "exec /bin/bash -rcfile ~/.bashrc"
Thanks for the tip Steve!