Ant Rocks (but you already knew that)
I have a few different side projects I'm working on right now. The first two, struts-resume and security-example are for the Wrox chapters and the third, AppFuse is the kindling I'm using to build these projects. Basically, I'm using AppFuse as a starting point for developing webapps. I think I've got most of what I want done for a baseline, so I'll be removing some struts-resume specific code from appfuse and calling it 1.0. For security-example, I'll be removing even more code.
The slick thing, and the reason for this post, is that I've been doing all my development on one project - appfuse. When I want to update struts-resume or security-example, I simply execute an ant command, and it updates whatever files have changed since I last updated. Ant figures out automagically which files have changed. I love it. I did a few updates and I'll be uploading the struts-resume 0.6 release tonight. Here's what I did to update the app from appfuse.
$ant new Buildfile: build.xml clean: [echo] Cleaning build and distribution directories [delete] Deleting directory D:\source\appfuse\build [delete] Deleting directory D:\source\appfuse\dist new: [echo] Creating new application named 'struts-resume'... [copy] Copying 17 files to D:\source\struts-resume [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to D:\source\struts-resume [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\source\struts-resume BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 27 seconds
Now all I have to do is commit it to CVS (BTW, you can get struts-resume from SourceForge CVS) and execute and dist
. I could FTP to SF using Ant too I suppose (I have Erik's book sitting right here), but I'll just hope someone sends this task (or page number) to me. ;-)
Posted by neillzero on February 28, 2003 at 04:13 PM MST #