apache.org won't let e-mail through from comcast.net
I don't use my comcast.net account, but I do use their SMTP server to send e-mail. I've sent a few messages to the tomcat and ant mailing lists in the past couple of days, and they've never shown up. Today, I realized why. Howard says:
...it appears that there's a disruption which is preventing mail originating at comcast.net's domain from reaching apache.org's. This may have been going on for a week (its probably related to the massive amount of e-mail from the MyDoom virus).
I guess I'll have to resend those suckers from my Yahoo account. Even with this disruption, I still think Comcast's broadband is the best in the business. Who can complain about 2 MB/sec (downloads average 250K/sec)? OK, maybe it's not that today, but usually it's pretty close.