Apple's New Safari Browser
It's cool because its fast, and it's got the slick aqua-class buttons like Chimera. But Steve - where's my tabbed browsing!? You forgot the best part of the modern browser phenomenon. I bet M$ has it in IE 7 - or at least they should. I did download Safari and I do like it's bookmarks and nice icon - but it's not doing it for me w/o tabs. Good effort though - too bad it doesn't implement the CSS border-style: dotted correctly. Check out using Mozilla, and then look at in in IE 6. Safari renders dashes just like IE. The other thing that sucks is that the text in this blog is super small. I mean it's small as it is - but it's tiny in Safari. Normally, it actually is larger on OS X than on Windows. If it's too small for you right now - use your browser to make it bigger.
I am looking forward to new iTunes and iPhoto - I love those apps!