Checkmate Technologies donates code to AppFuse
Earlier this year, I had a gig at Checkmate Technologies out in Boston. As part of my work there, they paid me to polish much of AppFuse's code so it passed their Checkstyle coding standards. I'm please to announce that they've donated this work to the AppFuse project. See APF-861 and Changeset 2872 for more details. Thanks guys!
As far as AppFuse 2.0 - we're only 5 issues away from 2.0 RC1! I hope to finish these up in the next few days. With any luck, 2.0 Final will follow shortly after.
Posted by Trent on September 03, 2007 at 12:00 AM MDT #
b) Yes, they're open to modification.
Posted by Matt Raible on September 03, 2007 at 12:26 AM MDT #
Posted by Aaron James on September 03, 2007 at 12:38 PM MDT #