Denver's No Fluff Just Stuff starts today
It's time for another NFJS conference. I attended the one in June and had an awesome experience. I doubt I'll cover it as much as I did last time, that's just a lot of work - not to mention my cell phone's data bill was $300! As I look through the sessions, I'm noticing that it's a great thing to attend 2 of these conferences - b/c you can skip all the sessions you saw the first time. Since there's usually 2-3 good ones per time slot, reducing that down to 1-2 is nice.
This afternoon, I'm planning to attend sessions by Erik Hatcher and Stuart Halloway. Erik for Ant 1.6 and Subversion (maybe even Lucene) and Stuart for "dynamic, reflective languages". Since much of AppFuse's build.xml is based on Erik's Java Dev with Ant sample app, it'd be nice to figure out how to take advantage of 1.6 features (especially since 1.6.2 is required). I've never seen Stuart speak before, but I've heard he's excellent.
Saturday I plan on learning more about Tapestry from Erik (in a 3-hour session!). Since adding Tapestry to AppFuse is my next open-source development effort, this weekend and ApacheCon are good opportunities to learn more about it. I know, I should just buck up and read the book (I made it to page 100 a couple of weeks ago, nothing since), but it's tough to find the time.
I'll probably skip out tomorrow afternoon and work on Spring Live since Chapter 10 is due by Monday and I'm not done yet. Sunday, I'll be talking about AppFuse making open-source easier. "Brain, get ready to be stuffed."