The Hibernate team is looking for $1888 to buy from a commercial domain hoster.
The goal of this action is not to get us rich (and others poor ;), but only to buy the domain. To give you an impression on how much money is needed: Hibernate is downloaded 500 times every day. The Hibernate website has more than 15.000 pageviews and 1.500 visits each day. If we estimate that every 10th person downloading Hibernate donates a dollar, we can free this domain in a little more than one month!
I'll probably donate. While we're at it, is anyone willing to help us Roller developers buy for $15,000? ;-) This is down from $20,000 when I originally inquired. No word on how much for
Posted by Ugo Cei on June 25, 2003 at 07:12 AM MDT #