Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Hibernate Upgrade (1.2.4 to 2.0 rc1) Redux

My last upgrade from Hibernate 1.2.x to 2.0.x was a little rocky, so I'm going to document it again today - this time with a Hibernate 2.0-enabled version of XDoclet, and code samples from last time. Today I'm upgrading from 1.2.4 to 2.0 rc1.

1. First, I downloaded Hibernate 2.0 rc1. BTW, I also updated to the latest version of XDoclet from CVS.

2. Next, I copied it to my project's lib directory, deleted bin, doc, and src directories. The only files I need are hibernate2.jar and (in the lib folder) c3p0.jar, cglib.jar, dom4j.jar, jcs.jar, jdom.jar and odmg.jar. One thing to note is with Hibernate 1.2.x, I didn't need dom4j.jar, jdom.jar or cglib.jar in my deployed WEB-INF/lib folder. However, with the new version, I did need to include them.

3. Then I updated lib/ and began changing my code with gool ol' Homesite.

4. Hey, step 4 is the same as last time! Edit build.xml file to pick up the new DTD. I changed <hibernate/> to be <hibernate validatexml="true" version="2.0"/>.

5. Using HomeSite, I did s/cirrus.hibernate/net.sf.hibernate/g for all my .java and .xml files. Don't forget to change your and files.

6. In hibernate.cfg.xml I changed cirrus.hibernate.sql.OracleDialect to net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect. I also updated the DTD to 2.0 and moved all properties inside the <session-factory> element. Here's a sample hibernate.cfg.xml file from struts-resume.

7. In my class, I changed the following from (this is so JUnit Tests can run w/o JNDI):

Datastore datastore = Hibernate.createDatastore();
datastore.storeClass(package.MyClass.class); // lots of these
sf = datastore.buildSessionFactory();


sf = new Configuration().addClass(MyClass.class) // lots of these

8. Time to bring Eclipse to the table. I refreshed the project and added the new hibernate2.jar to the "Java Build Path."

9. In my (which initializes Hibernate for Tomcat), I changed the following code:

// Configure Hibernate.
try {

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Hibernate configuration completed.");
} catch (HibernateException h) {
    log.fatal("Error configuring Hibernate!", h);


try {
    SessionFactory sf =
        new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Hibernate configuration completed.");
} catch (HibernateException h) {
    log.fatal("Error configuring Hibernate!", h);

10. Changed all instances of readonly="true" to inverse="false" inverse="true" for XDoclet tags. Also changed role to name.

11. Removed length attribute from any <key-property ... /> elements in my .hbm.xml files. These were rudely put there by the ReverseGenerator. Not all my mapping files are generated by XDoclet, if I have one with a composite-id, I just create the mapping file manually. I also had the change the DTD manually in these files.

12. In my build.xml, I changed the SchemaExport class from to net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.

13. OK, here goes, my first attempt at compiling (honestly!). Darn - I forgot to save - trying again (this time with "ant clean" first). Sweeeet - it worked!

14. Hmmm, some log messages I wasn't expecting. I forgot to change my file from cirrus.hibernate to net.sf.hibernate. I'll add this above (step 5) to make this how to more accurate.

15. Running persistence tests - since I keep my Oracle driver (ojdbc14.jar) in ${hibernate.dir}/lib, I had to move it to the new directory. Now this is a strange error:

[junit] 2003-04-29 13:14:50,968 INFO [main] Configuration.addClass(264) | Mapping resource: com/
[junit] 2003-04-29 13:14:51,234 ERROR [main] XMLHelper$ErrorLogger.error(37) | Error parsing XML
: XML InputStream(19)
[junit] org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for el
ement type "param".

My guess is that it's being caused by:

<generator class="sequence">

After reading the Hibernate2 Porting Guidelines, looks like I need to add a name attribute. Didn't the exception tell me that! ;0)

I'll update this post when I figure out the answer to my question on Hibernate's forums...

Update: I had to 1) upgrade my XDoclet JARs, and 2) replace the following XDoclet tags:

* column="cr_id" unsaved-value="null"
*  generator-class="sequence" generator-parameter-1="cr_master_sq"


* column="cr_id" unsaved-value="null" generator-class="sequence" 
* @hibernate.generator-param name="sequence" value="cr_master_sq" 

Now I'm experiencing this issue.

Update 2: I discovered (from Gavin) that readonly="true" is the same as inverse="true". I've updated step 10 above, and now my upgrade is complete!

Posted in Java at Apr 29 2003, 02:52:07 PM MDT Add a Comment

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