I'm lovin' Eclipse and its plugins (CVS, Hibernate)
After working with Eclipse pretty heavily for the last week - I am beginning to become one of those guys that cannot live without an IDE. It's unfortunate in one sense, but it's great because it sure is saving me a lot of time. I love the "Organize Imports" feature, especially on the package level. Use it with caution if you've got generated classes - or add the generated classes to your classpath. I also really like the Jalopy Beautifier. I'm sure IDEA has these features too - if it doesn't, it should! Another cool plugin I found last week was one from the Eclipse team to hide CVS directories.
This morning, I found that the Hibernate team has released a new plugin for Eclipse - the Hibernator.
*** Hibernator - Hibernate plugin for Eclipse ***
Provides an Eclipse view to create and edit Hibernate mapping files (.hbm.xml).
Note this plugin will only work with Eclipse 2 (WSAD 5) and above
* Installation
- Unzip hibernator-0.9.zip into <eclipse-install>/plugins
- Restart Eclipse
* Using the plugin
Go to menu Window->Show View->Other and select Hibernator
Open up some Java source and the plugin will either display the mapping
file <class-name>.hbm.xml or a generated version
To save the contents of the mapping file right click in the window and
select "Save"
Report any bugs / Submit patches to - http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernator.
I doubt I'll use this as I'm using XDoclet to generate my Hibernate mapping files from POJOs. However, the CodeGenerator for Hibernate is being re-vamped to allow for generation of .java files from an .hbm.xml file. Now if I could hook this into generation of Struts' ValidatorForms, I might actually use it.